Chapter 18 Newssssssss

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Hello humans, sorry I'm getting a bit slower to update. I fixed a couple things in the storyline so now it makes more sense, to me at least. If you like my work please check out my other book of short stories and comment what you like, that book updates a lot faster than this one because it's just me filling requests and playing around.  I hope you enjoy reading this chapter and I shall update soon.  


Scorpio watched as Aries made a plan to kill him, and then watched as all the other zodiacs agree. He wasn't bothered by it, in fact he was waiting to die. He began to walk away before the sword dragged him back right next to the camp. Scorpio freaked out and turned himself and the sword invisible before he was spotted by Aquarius and Libra. "It's so weird to hear them talk about killing him" Libra said quietly and Aquarius nodded. "I just don't understand why he did all of this, do you think he'll tell us?" Aquarius asked and Libra shrugged. "I think they're going to kill him before he has the chance" she said and Aquarius frowned. Scorpio stopped breathing as he watched Aquarius decide what to say next. "Do you think we have to kill him, like is there a way to keep him alive?" Aquarius asked and Libra looked at him shocked "You want to keep that monster alive? Aquarius I know you like him but he's trying to kill us" Libra said and Aquarius looked down at the coin of always. "Is he really going to try and kill us?" he asked the coin and then sighed as he shoved it in his pocket, Libra raised her eyebrow and he nodded. Scorpio opened a portal and disappeared through it. Taurus turned to where Scorpio had been, he could have sworn he saw the trees shaking. Scorpio stood in the Valley of Gods, he turned to see his name engraved into the stone. He knew that if the other zodiacs saw it they wouldn't hate him, they would understand what he was doing was right, but getting them here would be a problem. To get into the Valley of Gods you had to first kill someone, there was only four zodiacs that could come with Scorpio, and Scorpio knew he had to get only one of them to come with him, and it had to be willingly. The stone with his name glowed when he touched it, he looked up and saw the statue of himself, everyday the statue had more blood on it. Now the blood on the statue was completely covering his face, hiding the nasty scars. Scorpio turned to see Corvus staring at him. Corvus was Apollo's outcasted servant, and Scorpio had helped him on many occasions. "My name could have been on one of these stones" Corvus said as he stared at Scorpio's bloody statue. "Would you want it to end up like mine?" Scorpio asked and Corvus flapped his black wings. "What's happening to you is very unfortunate and I wish to help you, even if my statue ended up like yours I trust you would be there to help" Corvus said and Scorpio smiled. "I'm losing it" Scorpio said as he looked back up at his statue of blood, Corvus walked over and put his hand on Scorpio's shoulder. Corvus smiled at him and muttered "The gods have damned us, but we do it together, I'll talk to your zodiacs and get one of the knights to join us here" Scorpio looked at him with a nervous look. "You can't take a knight, stubborn asses they are you would kill me on sight" Scorpio said and Corvus raised an eyebrow "Then are there any more I can take?" Corvus asked and Scorpio nodded. "Aquarius, really cute guy slightly taller than me and really, really handsome" Scorpio said with a slight blush and Corvus raised an eyebrow at his best friend. "I'll go see who I can grab, it's either the girl in armor or cute guy, I'll be back in ten or so" Corvus said as he opened a portal and landed in the zodiac camp. Libra and Virgo screamed when they saw the bird man and Aries pulled out his magic sword. Corvus raised up his hands as he looked around the camp for Aquarius. "Uh which one's Aquarius?" he asked one of the girls who had screamed, Virgo stood terrified and Capricorn ran up to protect her lover. Aquarius walked up to the black man and stared directly into his eyes "Your with him aren't you?" he asked and the bird man smiled and nodded. "I was sent to get either you or female over there" he said as he pointed to Capricorn who had her sword raised. "Well take him then" Sagittarius said calmly and the entire camp turned to him. The other zodiacs had all run over with their magic items if they had them, Cancer was in the process of hitting Sagittarius over the head with her staff. Corvus grabbed Aquarius's arm and pulled him into a swirling black portal. Aquarius found himself on his knees in front of Scorpio. "There one cute guy delivered, you owe me" Corvus said and Scorpio smiled "I owe you a lot" he replied and Corvus smiled. "I shall leave you and your boyfriend alone to talk about your problems" Corvus said as he disappeared through another black portal. During the conversation Aquarius had been whispering questions to his coin and he had determined he was in no danger. "Why am I here?" he asked sternly and Scorpio looked down at him before holding out his hand to help Aquarius up. "You are here to find the truth" Scorpio said once Aquarius was on his feet. He took Aquarius's hand and led him over to the statues to explain everything.


Virgo's nature bracelet was sprouting flowers and vines everywhere and Virgo was freaking out as she tried to stop it. Capricorn, her now girlfriend, was cutting down vines as they tore apart the tents. Virgo looked at Capricorn and smiled as she remembered the night before. They had been sitting on a log in front of a river when Capricorn confessed, Virgo was so lost for words she couldn't reply and just kissed Capricorn. She didn't know how she felt knowing that the bird man wanted to possibly take Capricorn, maybe she would have to be the one to protect her knight. Virgo had also noticed a change in Sagittarius, he was now avoiding Capricorn and Aries and was constantly watching Virgo. Virgo was determined to find out what Sagittarius was up to,  and Cancer was going to help her find out. That night Virgo and Cancer waited to grab Sagittarius as he came out of the tent. Sagittarius was the only one not bothered by Aquarius's disappearance, in face he seemed quite happy it happened. The tent door opened and Sagittarius walked out. He walked past the tree where Cancer was hiding and Cancer quickly grabbed him and dragged him off into the woods. "What is wrong with you" Virgo asked menacingly as she held Sagittarius in place with vines. Sagittarius spluttered as he tried to figure out the situation he was in. Aries also walked out from the trees and placed his sword at Sagittarius's throat. Sagittarius seemed a bit stunned but not concerned at what was happening. "There's nothing wrong with me" He finally said and Cancer growled. "Then why are you acting like this?" she asked in a low voice and Sagittarius looked at her. "Aquarius isn't in danger, he'll be back tomorrow, none of you are in any danger" he said as a glint of fire burned in his left eye. "Sagittarius your going to burn the forest down if your not careful" Aries said when he noticed Sagittarius's eye. "Let me go, I have other zodiacs to look after" Sagittarius said as he struggled to free himself. Virgo released his vines and Sagittarius pushed Aries out of his way before storming off to the campsite. "He knows something" Virgo said and Cancer nodded. "He's cute when he's angry" Cancer said and Aries gave her a very confused look "Got the hots for fire man do you?" he asked and Cancer sapped his arm. Virgo returned to the camp and hugged her girlfriend when she saw her. "How did the interrogation go?" Capricorn asked as she kissed Virgo's cheek, Virgo groaned and Capricorn took it as a 'not well.' "Sagittarius knows something we don't" Virgo said and Capricorn raised an eyebrow "Any ideas?" Libra asked from across the campfire but Virgo shook her head. Sagittarius suddenly walked through the campfire and stood above Capricorn, he looked down with an emotionless face as he threw a stick at her. Capricorn looked down and realized it was her magic object, the Staff of a Ruler, she looked at Sagittarius who turned away and walked back. "I have Gemini's too, and I know where the rest are" he said as he looked at the fire with a look of horror. Virgo looked at him with a dark look, Sagittarius turned to her smiled a sad smile. "Were going to be fine" he said before he disappeared back into the forest. Gemini sat stunned as he stared at the egg in his lap, Sagittarius had put it there when he walked away. Capricorn's staff was glowing and pulled her over to Gemini. Both Capricorn and Gemini looked at each other and then back at their objects, they didn't know how to explain it but they felt as though their objects were connected in some way, but neither really wanted to know what was hiding inside the egg. Virgo looked at her bracelet and frowned, how come her object didn't have the chance of having something cool like a dragon in it? Virgo looked up and saw Aquarius running through the trees and back into the camp. "I have newssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" he yelled as he dragged out the 's' for what felt like years. "Do I want to hear your news?" Ophiuchus asked and Pisces nodded at her brothers rudeness. "Yes I think you will" Aquarius said and Virgo raised an eyebrow. 

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