Chapter 17 Fire

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Hello readers. I apologize for the slow work, I have been fixing a couple holes I had in the lore. If you want to see my writing please check out my random stories book because one or two are scrapped ideas for this book. I am also sorry for the character switch in this book, and as always sorry for any mistakes. Thank you and please enjoy this chapter. 


Cancer and Rat had been walking for days with still no sign of the other zodiacs. "Are you very very very sure you can't find them with you magical powers Rat?" Cancer asked for the hundredth time and Rat gave her the same reply he always did "I can only be summoned when someone desperately needs me, they don't need me." Cancer groaned and then slumped down on a rock, Rat turned grumpily and told her to get back up. Cancer looked up at the tree and saw something she hadn't seen before. "Rat I don't suppose sticks can fly in your world?" she said and Rat looked up and saw a long stick hovering above their heads. Rat looked shocked as he reached for the stick "I made this with Goat" he said as he handed it to Cancer. "It's yours, it's called the staff of the mended and me and my friend made it for the Cancer heir years ago, I thought Ox destroyed all the objects" he continued and Cancer looked at him shocked. "You made this?" she asked and Rat nodded. "All of us zodiacs created an object for you and your zodiacs, Ox made the most powerful one belonging to the man that kidnapped you" Rat said and Cancer looked down at the staff. "How does it work?" she asked and Rat walked over. "Well it helps your powers heal faster and better, it could possibly bring someone back to life, it can also track other zodiacs if they are hurt" he said and Cancer had an idea. "Do you think it can find my zodiacs?" she asked and Rat nodded. "Show me how to use it Rat" she said and Rat tapped the end of the staff where a blue bubble grew. "just say 'find an injured zodiac' it doesn't respond to me anymore" Rat said and Cancer held out the staff "Find an injured zodiac she said and the staff flew out of her hands and pointed in a direction through the tree's. "Zodiac found, Taurus of generation two suffers a head injury" the staff said in a very soft voice. "It can speak?" Cancer asked and Rat looked very happy. "Yes, my friend Rooster recorded his  wife's voice for the staff" he said as he began to walk through the tree's. "I suppose it wouldn't say how long the walk is?" Cancer asked and the staff responded with "Ten minute walk." Cancer looked at the staff and smiled as she began racing through the trees to find Pisces. She missed Pisces so much and she knew Pisces would be missing her too. Rat quickly began to chase Cancer and they both ran through the trees and into a small clearing. A tent was set up and a pile of sticks was placed next to where Cancer presumed a fire would be put later. "Where are they?" Cancer asked and the staff just fell down into the hand. A voice rang through the camp and Cancer and Rat froze. "Well sh*t" Leo said as she looked at Cancer and then raced into the forest screaming her sisters name. Soon all the zodiacs were gathered around Cancer as they hugged her and asked her everything she knew. "Did Scorpio hurt you?" Pisces asked through her tears and Cancer shook her head and explained once again that she could heal herself. "Is Scorpio gone?" Cancer asked and Ophiuchus nodded and replied "He ran off after he failed to kidnap Leo and her boyfriend" and Cancer raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?" she asked as she turned to the princess in question. Leo blushed and took Taurus's hand, Taurus kissed Leo's cheek and then looked at Cancer. "Where's Sagittarius?" Aries asked as he looked around, everyone began looking around to find the missing man. 


Sagittarius stared at Scorpio who stared back, neither wanted to move incase the other decided to try something. Scorpio had his hood off and Sagittarius could see all of his long black hair and the scars on his face, seeing the scars wasn't helping Sagittarius feel confident. Scorpio put one hand in the air and the sword flew into it, Sagittarius quickly drew his sword and pointed it at Scorpio. "They're looking for you" Scorpio said as he opened a portal and jumped through it. Sagittarius stood slightly stunned as he looked around to make sure Scorpio had actually gone. He heard Leo yell his name and he turned and walked back. He pulled out the fire mirror and looked into it, he still didn't know what it did. The mirror of fire flickered and suddenly burst into flames. Fire whipped around Sagittarius who dropped the mirror and tried to find a way out of the fire circle. A man walked through the fire and bowed to Sagittarius. "My name is Draco, Why have you summoned me?" the fire man said and Sagittarius began trying to say words but all English had left his brain. "Hello Draco, err how did I summon you?" Sagittarius finally managed to asked and Draco looked at him with a cold stare. "Sagittarius of the zodiacs you are the only one who can operate the mirror, you summon it when you need questions to be answered, your question was what the mirror did and I have come here to answer that question" Draco said in a low voice. Sagittarius looked at him and decided to maybe try and ask a question. "So how did you get in the mirror?" he asked and Draco sighed and sat down in the roaring fire. "Many years ago I was friends with a man named Ox who grew power hungry and did some awful things, many believed I helped him and someone I trusted placed me in the mirror instead of being killed by the gods, I have waited a long time to be let out" Draco said and Sagittarius looked shocked and a bit afraid of the man. "Who will Scorpio strike next, if you know of course" Sagittarius asked and Draco looked at him coldly. "I know everything, he will strike Aquarius next but don't fear because he shall be in no danger" Draco replied and Sagittarius sat down in the fire ring. "Who was the one who put you in the mirror?" Sagittarius asked and Draco looked at him with a look of slight annoyance. "His name was Rooster, not that it matters, if you have better questions ask them or I shall leave" Draco said as he shut his eyes. "Will a zodiac die fighting Scorpio?" Sagittarius asked in a quiet voice. Draco smiled and he opened one eye "Yes someone will die" he whispered in a voice that could only be described as pure evil. Sagittarius watched Draco smiled and he shuffled back nervously as he asked his next question. "Who dies?" he asked and Draco grinned even more. Draco stood up and the flame circle disappeared and Sagittarius felt the ground shift under him as Draco teleported the two. Sagittarius was met with his own dead eyes staring at him. Before the present Sagittarius was a future version of him, but no longer alive. A sword stuck out of his chest and blood was everywhere. Sagittarius looked at his own dead body and then noticed another body laying next to his, next to him was Cancer who wasn't dead but sobbing into his arm. "How long do I have left?" Sagittarius asked growling and Draco looked slightly taken aback. "Two weeks" Draco replied as he teleported them back to where they came from. Sagittarius grinned manically and turned to Draco who looked quite afraid of him. "Now Draco, tell me how to kill Scorpio." 

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