Chapter 7 Stop Singing

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The zodiacs left at the crack of dawn so everyone was a bit tired, except the knights who were used to waking up early and Scorpio who just kind of floated through the group. Ophiuchus decided that the best way to wake everyone up was by making noise, and his favorite way of making noise was singing. "WhEn I WaS a YoUnG MaN!" he started to yell loudly and trying to be as off tune as possible as to really wake up the zodiacs. To his amusement Capricorn decided to join him in waking the zodiacs, and even louder and off key she bellowed "I LoSt My HoRsE tO a TrOlL uNdEr A bUsH!" Taurus had covered his ears and Pisces was starting to cry, but the two kept singing their made up song. "ThE hOrSe WaS sO TaStY hE aSkEd Me FoR mOrE!" Ophiuchus shrieked louder and Libra screamed the next part "I cAmE bAcK wItH cOoOoOoOoOoW!!!" Pisces had thrown her shoe at Ophiuchus and Aries had started to walk faster to get away. The singing trio whispered the next line and then at the top of their voices bellowed "BuT tHe TrOlL aTe Me InSteEeEeEeEeEeD!!!" "Oh my lady I'm about to kill all three of you!" Virgo yelled and Gemini prepared to throw his shoe at the trio of noise makers. The singing three became four after Cancer whispered the next lyrics "ThE tRoLl StArTeD tO dAnCe To My MuSiC iN hIs sToMaCh" the four yelled, by then all the innocent birds in the forest had flown away never to return and the other wildlife were all crying and regretting choosing this as their home. Scorpio popped the cap on another bottle of his poison and drank it while flipping the singers off, and Aries was preparing to murder them. Leo and Aquarius who had been whispering finally revealed their plan, sing louder and more off key to the others.  "IIIII AM THE TROLL AND I MUST SAY, YOU WERE NOT TASTY IN ANY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they screamed as they threw their arms around each other and swayed side to side. The ones who weren't singing were either crying or preparing to strangle the ones who were singing. Then Sagittarius, who was leading the group shushed everyone and turned to them with a dark look. His head turned at a weird angle and he started to speak in a devilish voice "There's something exquisite about the taste of teen blood and I look forward to tasting all yours, it's time to serve your purpose as a sacrifice to you world" Sagittarius then collapsed and Virgo continued the demonic creatures words "Your queen sent you all to die, in two weeks you shall all serve your duty as my food, just like the previous zodiacs" then Virgo collapsed. Cancer ran over Sagittarius and Virgo and used her healing powers, the others sat in silence. They decided that it would probably be a good time to eat breakfast since two of them were out cold, but no one ate. "They were right, the queen did send us away to die" Aries muttered and Leo nodded. "Were there more zodiacs before us?" Pisces asked quietly and the group fell silent as they thought of their answers. "I mean we can't be the only ones right, maybe there's been more from different kingdoms or something?" Gemini suggested and Libra suddenly sat up straight "Yes! a different group of zodiacs whose names are long forgotten,  they served the emperor years ago and the leader became the lover of the emperor, but the other zodiacs found out and banished him for loving a man" she revealed and the zodiacs began to listen intently to her story "The other zodiacs ran a race and the leader cheated slightly, the emperor was so impressed with his skills he made him sort of like a duke and leader of the zodiacs and their love story began, but the other zodiacs became jealous of the attention going to their leader and the second in command sought to destroy the couple. They banished the leader to a little hut which only appears in a zodiac is in need and the other zodiacs fell in a war without their leader but can be summoned when the other zodiacs feel something strongly, lots have feelings of sadness or regret because of what they did to their friend and one actually left the zodiacs because she couldn't stand looking at the others knowing she made her friend leave" Libra stopped and took a long breath in and then continued "If we can summon another zodiac do you think they can help? some of the feelings aren't to hard to feel, like one is true happiness" "Well its worth a shot right? Imagine having bonus help from a powerful immortal or something" Taurus said and looked around the circle, they all nodded and looked over at the two unconscious zodiacs. "What are their emotions Libra?" Aquarius and Cancer asked at almost the exact same time "Well if I remember right, the leader is is you desperately need help, the second in command is jealousy, next is fear, then is shock, one is rage, one is sorrow, then is enjoyment, then is love, one was serenity, next is annoyance, then is happiness, and the last one was regret. The leader is the most powerful one but the hardest to get, the weakest is the last who is one of the easiest to get, but whatever we do we don't want to summon the second in command, oh and they can only be summoned when they know they are needed which is why none of us have summoned them before" a loud groan stopped the group from questioning Libra more and they all turned to see Sagittarius sitting up and holding his jaw with a large grin "Is it food time?" he asked and shakily walked over to eat a sandwich and ask what happened. "We figured out something that may help us, there were more zodiacs we can try to summon"  Capricorn started explaining to Sagittarius, and then again to Virgo once she woke up. Ophiuchus smiled at the zodiacs and watched as most of them talked happily, Scorpio and Aries were quiet just staring at each other. None were addressing the fact that they could possibly die at all, to anyone looking it was just look like a bunch of teens having a fun weekend. Ophiuchus knew that he would give his life for any of these zodiacs. He looked up to the sky and wondered how the unknown zodiacs must of felt when they were together. 

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