Chapter 23 A new couple

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Hello and welcome to the chapter that finally starts the fight. I know chapter 23 isn't very mush into the story but I promise I have a plan, sort of. I'm going to be honest and say this story is kind of just one chapter at a time, nothing is planned. I just write the chapter based on whatever mood I'm in which also depends on what song I'm listening to. Todays song was Dayglow's song Hot Rod which I'm currently listening to a lot. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and get ready for the next now that I've set up the drama and fighting for it. Thank you all and I hope to see you in whatever I post next. 


Pisces felt her head swirl as she packed all her belongings in her bag. It was finally time to kill Scorpio, and Pisces wasn't looking forward to it. How did Pisces go from being a princess and loved by all to being a outcast who was supposed to kill someone, she wasn't sure. Pisces looked down at the painting in her bag, it was her favorite of Leo and Ophiuchus when they were twelve. She held the picture and smiled as she looked down at the younger versions of her sibling, they had both changed so much that the twelve year old's in the picture looked nothing like them. "Hey" Gemini said as he walked over and saw the painting in Pisces's hand. "Woah are those your siblings? They look so different" he said and Pisces nodded. "Yeah they did" she said as she felt tears well in her eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" Gemini asked as he hugged Pisces who completely broke down in his arms. "I don't want to hurt anyone" Pisces sobbed as she clung onto Gemini's shirt. Gemini sat down and pulled the crying princess onto his lap as he whispered into her ear. "Your not going to hurt anyone, I'll make sure of it" he whispered and Pisces lay her head against his chest. Gemini felt his cheeks burn up as he held the princess, maybe his dreams were coming true. "Pisces" he breathed out and Pisces looked up at him. "Yes Gemini?" she asked and she sniffled and climbed off his lap. "I was wondering if you had a prince back at home?" Gemini asked nervously and Pisces's eyes widened. Pisces felt a blush on her cheeks and she looked down. "No, no prince" she said and Gemini nodded before stuttering his next words. "W-would you like a prince?" he asked and Pisces looked up with a smile before she kissed him. "Only if my prince is you" she said after she broke off the kiss. Gemini sat stunned and a large grin formed on his face. "We leave now" came Aries yell and both Pisces and Gemini looked down. "I guess it's time to save everyone" Pisces said with a forced smile. Gemini kissed her hand and smiled before saying "We're going to save Scorpio too, we just need to go with the don't kill him option." Pisces nodded and climbed off Gemini's lap and helped him to his feet. "What if my prince doesn't stay a prince forever?" Pisces asked in a teasing tone, Gemini turned to her with an amused grin. "What if he becomes the king and I become his queen?" Pisces asked and Gemini's eyes widened. Pisces reached out and took Gemini's hand and led him to the other zodiacs. "Alright, everyone look out for each other and make sure no one gets badly hurt, I don't know if we fight today or not be we must be prepared for everything. Aim to keep him alive but be prepared to kill him" Aquarius said to all the zodiacs who all nodded. "Cancer, we don't want you to fight him but instead try to help us by healing us" Sagittarius said as he turned to Cancer and took her hand, Cancer smiled and nodded. "Ophiuchus and Aquarius are going to use they're powers to stay out of Scorpio's sight, we need to cover them" Aries said and Capricorn nodded. "Me and Virgo are going to try and restrain him using Virgo's vines, Libra can fly and watch over the fight, maybe she can help us if she watches from above" Capricorn said in a very commanding voice, she really was destined to be captain of the guard. "Pisces we're going to a lake, try and go underwater, we could possibly lure him into there" Taurus said as he held Leo's hand. "I'll try to hypnotize him, but I'll need to see his eyes to do so" Leo said and the zodiacs all nodded before grabbing all the stuff and beginning the walk. "This is it, the end" Gemini said as he walked down the dark path. "Not the end of the story, but hopefully the end of the fear" Pisces said as she took Gemini's hand and kissed it. "That's my job" Gemini said playfully as he intertwined his and Pisces's fingers. The zodiacs all walked in silence for about an hour, usually Ophiuchus would try and cheer them all up but he was barely breathing. "I think you should talk to your brother" Gemini whispered and Pisces turned to Ophiuchus. "He has been really quiet, I'll be back" Pisces said as she let go of Gemini's hand and walked over to Ophiuchus. "Hey bud, you've been quiet today" Pisces said as she nudged her brother, Ophiuchus looked up with a sad smile. "We're about to try and kill someone, am I supposed to be happy?" Ophiuchus asked and Pisces felt all the happiness she had been feeling melt away. "You like him?" she asked and Ophiuchus turned red and began squeaking random noises. "N-not like that" he said as he hid his face and Pisces put her hand on her brothers shoulder. "I don't care if your gay or straight, your my brother and I'll always love you" she said as she hugged him. "I don't think I'm gay, I like girls to, it's confusing" Ophiuchus sighed and Pisces nodded. "How did this happen, it was fine until Scorpio started talking and then I just couldn't stop listening, like a good song" Ophiuchus said with a growl, Pisces laughed and looked over at Gemini. "I like someone too" she said and Ophiuchus looked at her before following her gaze to Gemini. "I guess we found the next king" he said as Gemini turned to look at the siblings. "Maybe not, you could still be king even if your gay" Pisces said as she took her younger brothers hand. "Even if I did, I would be in love with a criminal, or maybe not" Ophiuchus said as he looked down at his feet. "Scorpio told me some things, even if they're not true we should be wary of out aunt" Ophiuchus said and Pisces frowned but nodded. "She has to be behind some of this, she released some guards on protecting the sword just before it was stolen" Pisces muttered but looked up when she saw the sunlight stream into the clearing. The largest and bluest lake was spread in front of the zodiacs and they all stopped to admire it. 'We're here" Libra said breathlessly and Aries nodded before taking her hand. "Let's hope it stays blue, no dying in the lake guys it's too pretty" Aquarius joked and some of the zodiacs laughed. "Let's get into our positions, he could arrive any time" Aries said and all the zodiacs nodded. "Too late" came a voice high above them. They all looked up to find Scorpio sitting in a tree staring down at them. "Your later than I expected" he sung and Pisces felt Ophiuchus clench his fists. "Surrender Scorpio, we don't want to hurt you" Ophiuchus said and Scorpio frowned at him. "You don't want to hurt me, they do" he said as he lay back in the tree. "Well then, let's get this over with" Scorpio said as he suddenly sat up and flew from the tree. "It's time to die" Scorpio said as he waved the sword above his head and a barrier formed around all the zodiacs so they couldn't leave the area. "Your the only one dying today" Sagittarius said confidently and Scorpio laughed. "We'll see about that" he said before he lunged at Aries. 

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