Chapter 21 Damn Draco

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 Hello, genders for the new book have been decided by the wheel and a comment, and I have probably finished deciding their parents and backstories. Characters chapter will be posted very shortly. And this story is going well to, I'm trying to put some more action and maybe a bit of romance in it. And I apologize for my very weird chapter names. Anyways please comment if you have any suggestions or want to see anything added and enjoy this chapter.


Sagittarius walked into the camp as he talked to Capricorn, he turned to look at Aquarius and fell silent when he saw the tears in his friends eyes. "Scorpio was here" Aquarius muttered and Sagittarius raised an eyebrow. "He turned himself into Gemini, Sagittarius I said so many things without realizing, I don't think we have very long to prepare anymore" Aquarius said blankly. Capricorn put her hand on Aquarius's shoulder as she tried to tell him it wasn't his fault and that Scorpio was going to attack anyway. "I'll talk to Draco, try and use your coin" Sagittarius said as he turned his back to Aquarius and Capricorn. He pulled out the mirror and summoned Draco who was not pleased. "Again while I'm doing stuff, can you never call on a Tuesday?" Draco said as he walked out of the ring of fire. "Sorry, now tell me when Scorpio is going to attack" Sagittarius said and Draco looked at him with a bored look. "Ask something better, like how Scorpio's going to attack, it could save a life" Draco said as he conjured up a hammock in the fire to relax on. "Fine how is he going to attack, and when" Sagittarius said as he tried not to let his annoyance show. Draco smiled and whispered "Tonight, he's going to attack Cancer" before the fire was sucked back into the mirror and Draco disappeared. Sagittarius stood frozen in horror and he whipped around to Capricorn. "Get the other zodiacs, now" he yelled to her and Capricorn quickly ran off to get the others. Draco smiled at the madness he had just created and he turned around to see Scorpio standing inside his house. "How the? No one can get in my mirror except me" Draco said nervously as he took a step back. Scorpio grinned and summoned his sword before staring directly into Draco's eyes and whispering "I'm not just anyone Draco, I'm a god." Sagittarius ran over to Aries and opened his mouth to explain, but no words came out. Sagittarius screamed in pain and he crumpled to the ground as the trees and faces above him began to swirl. The fire mirror fell out of his hand and cracked when it hit the ground, Sagittarius lay in pain as he saw Scorpio looking down at him, damn Draco didn't say that 'tonight' was in five minutes and Sagittarius made a mental note to talk to Draco about his warnings. "Such a shame, mom would have wanted you to fight back" Scorpio said with a laugh and Aries pulled out his sword, Sagittarius tried to stand up but fell back on the ground. Cancer ran to Sagittarius and Scorpio grinned as he raised his sword. Sagittarius quickly blocked Cancer and he screamed as he felt a blade tear through his back. Cancer screamed and she began trying to heal Sagittarius while Aries and Capricorn fought off Scorpio. Sagittarius shakily stood up and turned to Scorpio who had Aries on his knees. "Leave my friends alone!" Sagittarius yelled and Scorpio raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Your friends are all going to die" Scorpio laughed and Sagittarius gritted his teeth, he threw a sword over to Aquarius and Ophiuchus and signaled for them to take the right and the left. Scorpio smiled at his brother and gestured for him to attack, Sagittarius wasted no time accepting Scorpio's offer to attack first. Sagittarius lunged at his brother and almost screamed when the wound on his back stung like fire. All the zodiacs were screaming in pain as they felt the full force of Scorpio's blood manipulation and Scorpio seemed to love watching the girls cry. "Why are you doing this?" Sagittarius chocked out and Scorpio turned to face his brother. Scorpio stopped using his powers on everyone except Sagittarius, Scorpio walked over with a large grin on his face. Sagittarius screamed as he felt the blood in his neck began to freeze and then boil in less than a second. Scorpio got right up into Sagittarius face and spat the words "If I had a choice I wouldn't be doing this, but this is how it's going to be." Rat appeared behind Scorpio, Scorpio growled as he whipped around to face the other zodiac. "Ox says hello" Scorpio said before he opened a portal underneath him and disappeared. Rat helped the zodiacs recover and some of the other Chinese zodiacs also came to help, but there was little that could be done for Sagittarius's back. "I'm afraid it's going to scar, very badly" Rabbit said and Sagittarius nodded. "That's alright, in wars you get scars, either on body or on the mind" Sagittarius said as he stood up, most of the other zodiacs looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize he was your brother, this must be hard on you, if something is bother you I will try to help" Dragon said nervously and Sagittarius just shrugged. "I hope to get some answers before someone kills him, but I don't remember anything about my mother or him so it doesn't bother me" Sagittarius said quite calmly, but inside the knowledge that his brother was trying to kill him was eating away at his heart. Sagittarius knew that something had happened between his mother and father, he also knew that it was impossible for him and Scorpio to be twins. "There is something that bothers me" Sagittarius said as he turned to Dragon "I don't quite understand how he is my brother, out ages are to close together to have the same mother unless we're twins which we aren't" he continued and Dragon looked down. "Same father?" Rat suggested from where he was hiding from his zodiacs. "I don't know my father well either so that's possible, but wouldn't we look more alike?" Sagittarius asked and Gemini looked up. "No you don't have to look alike to be siblings, my mother and uncle looked very different, one had red hair and blue eyes while the other had black hair and brown eyes, they had a different mother but the same father" he said and Sagittarius nodded. "I'm pretty sure if I had a brother that I would know about him, my father could never keep his mouth shut" Sagittarius replied and Gemini turned his head to look at Aquarius. "Maybe your father was ashamed?" Aquarius asked and Sagittarius nodded. "Most likely, either way my brother is going to die from our hands, we leave tomorrow to find the last two items so we can defeat him and end this nightmare." 

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