➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒

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New York was absolutely gorgeous at night. To be fair it always had been.

It was one of the very reasons Emma's family had moved to it in the first place.

Sure Atlanta Georgia was nice and everything,but it was nothing compared to New York,especially after dark.

When Emma had moved out of her parents house,it had been one of the only things that hadn't changed,one of the things she knew would never change.

Unfortunately tonight was different.

Tonight it just seemed dull.

Not that it was. That was impossible. It was just a reflection on how Emma felt.

The reasons for her feeling like this was because of the way her day had gone. It had a bad start and from then on out things had just tumbled downhill.

The blonde had gotten up too late and rushed to get ready for work,running out the door only fifteen minutes after she had woke,skipping breakfast and doing her hair in the car.

Almost half way to her office she remembered that in her hurry to leave she had forgotten to feed Addie and Flap-Jack, her cats, and that her phone was still sitting on the dresser by her bed.

After rushing home and driving back like a lunatic Emma had barely made the morning meeting and was given many disapproving looks from many higher ups.

Sure enough after the meeting she was approached by the head of SkyTall Newspapers, Mrs Jade Davis. who had politely stated that If her tardiness continued she would be thrown right back to where she was found.

It wasn't a secret that the only reason the blonde had gotten a job with them was because images of her street photography had gone viral and caught the attention of many people.

She was offered the job,on the conditions that she was to work strict hours and make no mistakes.

Unfortunately all the job really entailed was teaming up with a few reporters and taking pictures for them.

It wasn't anywhere near what she imagined herself doing,but it was work and it payed the bills.

After being scolded by two other department heads the blonde was paired up with a Journalist called Steven and sent to interview a group of men protesting in the park.

It had not been a fun trip.

They were protesting on the matter of "Woman and how they played no impact to society."

While Steven tried to question them,Emma found herself being mocked and called sick names that made her stomach churn and her head spin.

It wasn't unusual stuff to hear and actions to experience,as the blonde was often dragged into the middle of situations like this. However it was still very awkward and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately,something she feared would never change as long as she was to stay in the same line of work.

Once returning to the office Jade flipped through the few images Emma had managed to take and then promptly sent her home early. Apparently the photography looked sloppy,messy and was awful.

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now