➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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A/N: Soo I just want to ask that everyone is respectful towards any and all people/characters in this story (👀) and to please remember it is fan-fiction and has no impact on reality 💜



Offering her card to the boy behind the cashier,Emma tried her best not to grimace as his hand lingered on hers while taking it.

She pretended not to notice how he stared at her while he rang up their order,just like she had pretended not to see his eyes follow her when she had entered the café with Tree and Taylor almost an hour prior.

"Thank you for coming!" His voice was clear and slightly high pitched. "We'd love to see you back here again."

His blonde hair flopped in front of his eyes as he handed her the receipt and card back with a dopey smile.

He was cute,in a boyish crush kind of way.

Blonde hair and eyes slightly darker than Taylor's.


A smile lifted the corners of her mouth as her thoughts turned to those of the older blonde.

Turning away from the counter,Emma started to make her way back to the singer when the boys voice stopped her.

"I'm Zach."

Turning around,Emma regarded the boy carefully.


He moved out from behind the counter, a piece of paper in hand. Shuffling closer he moved the hair out of his face nervously.

"I wanted to give you my number...you seem really cool and uhhh well you're gorgeous."

The photographer's cheeks flushed scarlet with embarrassment and a nervous laugh slipped out.

"Im sorry..."

The boys face fell and he scrunched up the piece of paper.

"Uh it's cool,don't worry about it."

Feeling bad Emma moved towards him and took the crumpled up piece of paper while looking him dead in the eye.

"I'm just gonna be straight with you and say I'm not,it's not you."

She smiled in relief as realisation dawned on him and he eased up.

"My bad." He chuckled. "I didn't get that impression at first glance."

The photographer relaxed and shook her head with a smile. "Don't worry,I get that a lot."

"You still going to take that?" He gestured to the paper still in Emma's hand.

"As long as you don't try you luck with me again."

Zach laughed. "Don't worry you're safe."

Satisfied with the answer,Emma quickly uncrumpled   the note and typed the numbers into her phone,already planning to give it to Stormy and play matchmaker for a change.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Zach pointed his thumb back towards Taylor.

Looking up Emma couldn't help but grin at the sight of the blonde. Taylor's blonde hair was lightly tousled from the wind and lay loose over her shoulders. A greyish cap hid her eyes from sight and although her head was turned slightly towards the window,Emma had a feeling her eyes were on them.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Realising she had been staring at Taylor for far to long the photographer blushed profusely and turned back to Zach.

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now