➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎

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A/N- "We're happy,free confused and lonely at the same time."

Be warned...this is a lot of chaotic angst,still some important moments are gonna happen 🫂 but I apologise in advance.



"Taylor sweetheart,what's going on?"

Andrea gently grabbed her daughter's wrist as she stood up from the table.

"Uhh...I don't know."

This wasn't completely untrue,she didn't know exactly what Tree and Emma had been talking about,unfortunately she did have some ideas.

"I'll be back now Mom."

Taylor gently freed herself from her mother's grasp and followed Emma into the kitchen.

"Em..." the singer trailed off as her friend leaned against the counter with a deep sigh.

"Why is your phone off Taylor?"

"I...I switched it off..."

Emma gave her a pointed look. "Why."

"To avoid Tree..."

"Oh Tay...she was worried sick."

Taylor looked down at the floor guiltily,her eyes tracing the patterns carved into the tiles.

"I'm sorry,i really am but I just couldn't..."

Once again she trailed off,only this time,Emma made her way towards her when she did so.

Ever so gently the other woman lifted her chin with her fingertip. "You couldn't?"

"Face Tree and Joe...I hate it...hate the whole situation."

"Oh sweetheart."

Emma quickly slipped her arms around the taller woman's waist,pulling Taylor towards her and letting the singer rest her head on her shoulder.

The warmth and safety of her friends embrace brought tears to Taylor's eyes.

"Im sorry." She whispered "It's just a lot to take in."

"It's okay." Emma's breath tickled the singers ear "It's completely normal for you to feel like this,just remember it's not going to be forever."

"For once I'd just like a say in who I date,you know."

Emma sighed sympathetically and gently rubbed her friend's back "I know...and I wish i could take it away,all the pain and hurt that comes with this.

"It's not Tree's fault." Taylor said as she pulled away and reached for her phone,which was tucked away in her back pocket "I know that better than anyone and to ignore her was uncalled for."

"What are you thinking Tay?"

That I would much rather be going on a date with you than Joe...

"I'm going to call her and apologise,then have a talk with my family."

"Would you like me to leave?" Emma's blue eyes were full of what looked like concern and...reluctance?

"What?" Taylor scrunched her nose up in confusion "Why on earth would I want you to leave?"

"I don't know...it seems personal and I'm not really part of your family so-"

"Im gonna stop you right there hun!"

Taylor leaned forward so their faces were a mere inches apart. "You are apart of my family now,my parents and brother knew it the minute you stepped into this apartment and it's important for you to know it to."

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