➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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A/N- This one is pure chaotic fun and Tree being an exhausted parent.



"Taylor the cats got into the tinsel!"

Taylor shook her head in amusement as she walked through to her living room with two mugs of hot chocolate.

Looking up she couldn't help the laugh that broke through her.

Emma was trying to free Olivia and Flap-Jack from a silver and red mess of tinsel,while the other three cats chased each other in circles around her legs.

It had been almost a month since the incident with Joe and the wine. Things had blown over pretty quickly and the media had been rather quiet lately,much to the ladies relief.

Emma and Taylor's relationship had skyrocketed and they were closer than they had ever been. Emma was spending almost all her time with Taylor or in Taylor's apartment,where she practically lived now.

Nothing was official but Emma's cats had even taken up permanent residence in Taylor's living room as the photographer had brought them over and just hadn't been back home since.

Neither woman had realised how it would be to deal with five crazy cats that's only mission in life was to cause chaos. They adored their children though.

Flap-Jack,Benji and Olivia got on well enough,while Meredith and Addie were always causing trouble in some way.

Putting the mugs down Taylor reached forward to help Emma untangle the cats. "There you go little ones." She chuckled as Olivia pounced at Flap-Jack and the two sped off somewhere into the apartment.

Taylor just shook her head in amusement and moved over to her girlfriend who was hanging the final Christmas ornament on the tree. A picture of them with the five cats.

Their little family.

"It looks absolutely beautiful my love." Taylor pulled her into a hug,kissing her cheek softly.

"Im glad." Emma looked at her with a smile. "It's our first Christmas together and I want it to be special."

"Being here this year with you is enough my love." Taylor whispered. "However all of this you have done makes it even more special."

Emma kissed her gently and then pulled away with a giggle. "It also needs to be special because its the first year I get to properly celebrate your birthday with you..."

Taylor blushed,her birthday is special to her and always has been,but for once she finds it not being something she has given a lot of thought.

As if reading her mind Emma gives her a thoughtful look "What were you thinking of doing for your birthday anyway?"

"Honestly Em..." Taylor bent down to pick up some stray tinsel before the cats came back. "I haven't really given my birthday or Christmas much thought this year."

The photographer's eyes went wide and she instantly placed the back of her palm to Taylor's forehead "Are you sick? What's wrong with you?"

"Baby." Taylor chuckled and swooped her girlfriend into her arms once more. "Relax." She whispered kissing her jaw softly. "I've been preoccupied."

Emma blushed "Is that a good thing?"

The singer turned her around fully and kissed her again,less soft and more urgent to prove a point "A very good thing."

"So what are you thinking then?" Emma was doing her best not to fall into the taller blonde's trap and get distracted.

"I don't know..." Taylor shrugged "Maybe like a small gathering for my birthday and then a family Christmas."

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