➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎

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A/N- Just remember how much fluff and sweetness I give you 😭 please for my sake...

Also my alcohol knowledge is slim as most of my family do not drink and neither do I,so be kind!



"So Emma,how did you and Taylor get so close?"

The singer sat silently sipping a glass of wine watching Emma and Joe. She had hardly spoken,not having much to say,nor really wanting to.

The night was already seeming much longer than it was supposed to and Taylor was exhausted.

They had chosen a small Italian restaurant hoping not to draw too much attention to themselves. Unfortunately there was already a line of papparzi outside and Taylor was glad they had chosen to sit at the back where there was less company.

Once arrived and seated Joe,ever trying to be the gentleman,took it upon himself to order a bottle of Chardonnay for the both of them.

Now Taylor didn't mind Chardonnay,however with Italian food she usually preferred Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc.

Not wanting to create any awkward tension however she had stayed quiet and smiled.

Emma on the other hand picked up on what she was thinking and ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio for herself.

This confused Taylor who knew the younger blonde's preferred choice was Merlot but chose not to comment.

When their drinks came the photographer took one  sip and pulled a face before asking Taylor if she wouldn't mind switching.

The singer had happily swapped drinks with her,completely astonished however with how well Emma had been able to read her.

Now she sat sipping her second glass of Pinot Grigio watching her girlfriend make polite conversation with the man who was her 'beard'

What has my life come to.

"So Taylor how is work?"

The blonde snapped out of her thoughts and back to Joe,who seemingly had gotten bored of chatting up Emma.

"Which part of it?"

Joe shrugged "I don't know,the songs I guess. What else is there to it?"

This guy is clueless. It is so much more than that.

"I mean I love writing and recording music especially when it's about a topic or person I'm passionate about,so all is well at the moment"

He nodded while Emma smiled softly.

"Do you have a release date for that album you are working on."

No...its not finished,there is so much unsaid that needs to be said first.

"Not one I am going to share."  The singer finished the last of her second glass as their food was brought out.

"Can I have another of these please?" She smiled at the waitress.

Out of the corner of her eye Taylor saw the side of Emma's mouth tilt slightly and knew there would potentially be a conversation later about how she was trying to drown her feelings about the current situation.

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