➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒮𝒾𝓍

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A/N- Heyyyy x
I am so sorry I disappeared for almost a good two weeks 😭 there were reasons but everything has calmed down and been sorted through now for the most part and soooo I'm back!!

Thank you for those who are sticking around
and those who helped me through the break week!



The blonde sighed softly and shifted over in bed as a soft light slipped in through a slit in the curtains.

She cracked an eye open as arms were wrapped around her waist and soft lips started working their way up her neck.

"Mmm." Taylor hummed quietly,turning her head to intercept another kiss from the other blonde.

"Morning my love." Emma's voice was husky with sleep and it sent Taylor's insides spinning. "Merry Christmas darling."

Taylor turned over completely so she could pull her other half into a proper cuddle,burying her face in the crook of the younger woman's neck.

"Merry Christmas sunshine." She whispered back. "I love you."

Emma sighed happily and kissed the top of her girlfriend's head fondly. "I love you to."

The two lay comfortably in each-other's embrace just relishing in the other's presence.

"I didn't get you anything massive but I think you're gonna like it." Emma finally broke the silence.

"Same with me." Taylor said. "If im honest,this year with you has been the best gift I could ever have asked for."

There was a small pinch to her side as she said that, causing the singer to squeak and roll away from her girlfriend with a shocked look.


"You stole my Christmas card line!" Emma pointed out with a pout.

Taylor stared at her as if she had grown another head.

"You pinched me?!"


"You pinched me!"

Emma narrowed her eyes and within seconds Taylor found herself pinned down against the bed.

"I'll do a lot more than pinch if you let me..."

The older blonde stared up at her,mouth slightly ajar as desire and shock shot through her.

"The singer is once again speachless." Emma smirked and made a move to lower her lips to the blonde's neck.

Taylor was having none of it.

Before her girlfriend could react their positions were switched and the singer now lay atop of Emma their lips a few inches apart and their bodies close.

The smirk had been stolen right off of the photographer's lips and instead replaced by a furious blush and blown pupils.

"What were you saying?" Taylor giggled.


"Thought so."

She closed the gap between them and lips met,closer followed by teeth and tongue as the two kissed softly,yet with ambition and need.

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now