➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝓌𝑜

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A/N- Sooo for those of you who picked up on the hints in previous chapters and comments have a reward 🏅 or nine ;) for those who haven't,wellll enjoy loves 🩷



Emma's eyes had been fixed on Taylor the minute she and Joe had exited the car,and started to cross the street.

The older blonde looked breathtaking and Emma was immediately jealous of Joe.

I wish I was him.

Despite looking physically ready for the date Taylor acted like she was walking through hell instead of across the street.She may have been smiling for the cameras but her eyes remained sullen and lacked their usual shimmer.

She hates this as much as I do...

As they moved closer to her,Emma got her camera ready,knowing she needed to take pictures as they entered.

It was just as she snapped the second shot when Taylor's eyes found hers across the crowd of people and the photographer froze.

Then it happened.

Joe slowed to a stop next to the singer and the next thing Emma knew they were kissing...in front of everyone,all of the cameras,paparazzi and reporters.

The blonde felt something tug at her heartstrings and thats when the realisation happened.

As corny as it sounded,if Emma was to describe exactly what she had experienced she would use the word flashbacks.

All of her and Taylor's texts,the endless calls and face times,the party incident,the cat cafe,Cornelia street,baking brownies,dinner with her family,snaps,movies,little arguments,messing about with sponges and pillows and talking non stop through the day...

Everything from the smallest of touches to the incidents in which they had almost kissed...

It all made sense to Emma now,she hadn't been able to describe the feelings she experienced when it came to Taylor,but now the photographer realised what a fool she had been.

It was a simple word...four letters with the ability to break or shape lives.


When Joe and Taylor broke apart and Emma's eyes met the singer's for the second time,she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was in love with her.

The minute the older blonde and her "date" were out of sight the photographer excused herself to her boss and bolted from the scene.

She wasn't going to sit and play paparazzi the whole of Taylors date...no she had plans to make and more important things to do.

Now most people would have gone and sobbed into a pillow or gotten themselves drunk off their asses after realising that they were in love with their best friend,who just so happened to be a famous singer.

Not that that was a normal occurrence for most people...

Emma's reaction was considerably different...she went home and immediately texted said best friend's publicist.


Hey Tree,do you have a minute?

Is everything alright?

Yeah fine!
I just needed to know if Taylor had plans with Joe
tomorrow or not.

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