➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒪𝓃𝑒

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A/N- Happy Valentine's Day everyone ❤️ I love you all so so so much!!!

And in case you haven't been told today
* You are loved!
* You are special!
* You are incredible!

Lots of love to you all ❤️🌹



"Tay...Taylor baby?"

The blonde could hear her girlfriend's voice in the back of her thoughts and could see her concerned face in the corner of her eyes.

She couldn't however bring herself to meet those eyes. Scared they would see the glistening tears hiding behind her glass gaze.

"Taylor honey...look at me."

The singer turned her head reluctantly, eyes full of shame and despair.

"I fucked up Em..."

"Oh, sweetie..." The photographer didn't even ask, just pulled her into a tight hug.

Given that they were currently in the back of the car this was a little difficult, but did make it easier for Taylor to bury her head into the younger blonde's shoulder.

She wasn't crying, but she was pretty damn close to tears.

She really had messed up this time.

Tree had always been there and they rarely ever fought. If they did it was short, in-the-moment kind of arguments...this however was different and Taylor could see her actions had caused consequences.

"Tree?" Emma guessed, her tone sympathetic.

"Mhm...she didn't take it well," Taylor mumbled.

Emma sighed softly and just pulled her in closer, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry darling."

Taylor opened her mouth, the words 'it's okay' forming.

The words that never came, because it wasn't okay.

Emma, thank everything for her, seemed to get this and just held her the rest of the way to her sister's place.

As they thanked the driver and exited the vehicle the photographer gently pulled Taylor into a kiss.

"Look at me, sweetie..."

Taylor's eyes flicked up to meet the grey-blue in front of her.

Her girlfriend's expression sent a wave of calm over her.

"It's cliche to say everything is going to be okay, and that you shouldn't worry so I'm going to say this..." Taylor was pulled into another soft kiss.

"You and Tree have been through thick and thin together, in the end, this will just be a rough patch, okay?"

God, I must be the luckiest woman alive to have her...

Taylor nodded and let a smile play over her lips.

"Thank you love." She whispered, an arm snaking around the smaller woman's waist as they made their way into the building.

"You don't have to thank me Tay." Emma smiled up at her. "I'm always going to be here for you, by now you should know this."

"Thank you love." She repeated the same phrase.

"I swear a piece of my heart melts a little bit more every time you say that." Emma chuckled. "I'm hopeless."

Taylor smirked a bit "And breathless I see."

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