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A/N- "I loved you in secret
first sight yeah,we love without reason..."
~ TS



Holy shit

Taylor's cheeks burned as she rushed out of the bathroom.

"That did not just happen." The singer whispered to herself as she stumbled onto her bed,legs completely giving out.

She had just walked in on her best friend,the woman she was developing major feelings for,half undressed.

She's so god damn gorgeous.


Taylor grabbed a pillow to muffle the frustrated groan she let out at her intrusive thoughts. In the bathroom she heard the shower turn on and fell back onto the bed.

Why is she so attractive...I just want to kiss her.

"Oh my god what is wrong with me!"

Get. Yourself. Under. Control.

Taylor may have finally admitted her attraction to the younger woman,at least to herself,but things were becoming so much more complicated now.

Yes Emma was gay and out of the closet,but she wasn't. Therefore if Taylor was to admit her feelings and start dating the photographer,the world was going to get a shock.

Not to mention Emma didn't even return said feelings,just because she was a lesbian didn't make her automatically attracted to Taylor.

Then there was Joe Alywn...bloody Joe,bless his soul he was a sweetheart but a major inconvenience for the singer. She was sure they could be friends but now she was expected to publicly date him.

What was she supposed to do...date Joe in the public eye and have a secret lesbian relationship with her best friend in private.

Lord knows it wouldn't be the first time.

Taylor's thoughts turned to those of Karlie Kloss...her ex girlfriend?


They hadn't done labels.

The model and singer had dated on and off behind the scenes and it had been great,everything was good...until she was made to go out publicly with Calvin Harris.

She and Karlie had ended thing...unfortunately not on good terms.
Words that cut deep were spoken on either side,it was a mess that had fucked up their friendship in the process.

They had gone years without contact until meeting unexpectedly at a mutuals party. Things were settled between them.

That was the last time Taylor had seen her,and although there wasn't any bad blood between them,it had scared the singer away from women for a good amount of time.

Then Emma appeared in her life.

Sure their friendship had an unusual and unexpected start,but in the span of a few months the younger blonde had became one of her closest people.

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