➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓍

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8:30 pm was what the clock on the wall read.

Staring out the window of her apartment,Taylor couldn't help but wonder if Emma had forgotten about calling her.

She doubted it.

However she had been burned before and therefore always kind of expected the worst from new people.

The singer looked down at Meredith,who had settled in her lap,and smiled a little. Her cats always seemed to know when even the slightest thing was off.

Unsurprisingly so did a certain brunette.

A certain brunette who had shown up at her door a mere thirty minutes ago and was now bustling around her kitchen.

"Tay remind me to take you grocery shopping tomorrow." Selena's voice sounded out through the apartment "Your cabinets are practically empty!"

Rolling her eyes,Taylor reached for her phone to set a reminder. Before she could unlock it however,the screen burst into action and a name appeared.

 Before she could unlock it however,the screen burst into action and a name appeared

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She hadn't forgotten after all.

Without a second thought Taylor hit the green button and lifted the phone to her ear.


"Hi Em."

"How are you doing?"

The singer sighed softly.

"Honestly,not great."

"That bad huh?"


"I would have called sooner,but my brother is having some serious relationship issues and I only left his place thirty minutes ago."

"I'm glad you called."

Taylor picked at her nail,the nerves picking up.

"I thought you forgot."

"Wait...you thought I forgot about you?"

Emma sounded shocked,and a bit sad.


"Oh Taylor,there is no way I could ever have forgotten. I couldn't stop worrying about you."

Now it was the singer's turn to be shocked.

"You were worried about me?"

"Of course! I mean it was pretty obvious you were upset and whatever happened with the meeting bothered you."

"I...thank you for caring."


"Would you like to know what happened?"

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now