➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜

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Monday's were the absolute worse,especially in Emma's field of work.

The office was like a zoo. A zoo with no cages and animals running around headless.

The department heads were rushing everyone to get their stories and reports out by the deadline,and anyone who got in their way was guaranteed to be told off for some reason or another.

It was for this very reason Emma found herself sitting on the roof eating a salad sandwich and editing pictures on her laptop.

It was the only place in the entire building where she would be able to finish what she had to do without being interrupted.

She had five folders of images to send through to Jade by 4 pm and she was almost done with the final one,which put her almost 3 hours ahead of schedule.

This fact alone allowed the blonde to breathe a little easier. If she was lucky she might get off early and grab a drink.

Who was she kidding.

She barely ever got off early and she never drank unless with friends.

Just as the blonde finished taking away some shadows and adding highlights to the final image her phone vibrated in her bag.

Much to her surprise it was Taylor,the stranger she had spoken to a week before.

They hadn't had any contact since and Emma had honestly thought that the early morning conversation would be their last.


Hey you busy?

Taylor had just finished up a tough Zoom call with her various different managers as well as Tree and her parents.

No one could agree on anything and in the end Andrea had ended the call,proposing to postpone it to a different date.

There had been no arguments and everyone had hung up with nothing further to say.

Having nothing else planned for the day the blonde had debated calling Selena or Abigail but decided instead to text Emma,the wrong number from the other night.

Why this had been her decision,Taylor would never know.

I am.
but if you give me a minute I'll be done.

No no its okay!
I'm sorry to bother.

You're no bother I just need to save
my files correctly or my boss will murder me.

(read 13:45)

I'm done now!
(read 13:50)


How are you?

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