➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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A/N- Hiiii Lovess I don't have much to say but enjoy 😘💋



"I'm in love with you to Taylor Alison Swift."

She couldn't breathe.

Taylor's heartbeat pounded in her ears as an unfamiliar warmth flooded her body at her best friend's words. Any air she had left in her lungs had fled the moment Emma had stepped into her close proximity.

She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

In love with you to...

The singer's brain seemed to have short circuited as she stood there practically in Emma's arms,her eyes never once leaving the blonde's face.

How had this happened...Taylor had been in a foul mood less than ten minutes ago and now she was breathlessly staring at Emma,wondering if everything she was hearing was just to good to be true.

Her best friend...returned her feelings.

Taylor was completely overwhelmed by this new information,but oh so overjoyed at the same time.

"Tay sweetie..." The younger woman had her head tilted,eyes scanning her gently. "It's okay if it is to much for you to handle right now,I sprung it on you in quite a wild way."

Speak Taylor!

Her insides screamed for her to say something or anything,but the singer was still completely speechless.

In fact Taylor probably would have stood there processing for a good ten minutes more if Emma didn't start to pull away from her.

It seem as if she was giving the blonde space. Space was the last thing Taylor needed or wanted.

Snap out of it Swift!

"Em wait!" The singer grab her wrist to stop her from moving further away. "Do you...are you certain?"

It was a stupid question,asking someone if they were sure about their feelings for you but Taylor had to know,she had to ask...she had been burnt before and she would be a fool to make the same mistake and proceed further without caution.

Luckily Emma seemed to know why she needed the reassurance.

"As certain as there are stars in the sky and blood in both our veins." The photographer's poetic side decided to make an oddly timed appearance.

"For the past two days you have been all I can think about Taylor...I realised a life without you in it is one I cannot begin to live easily in and once that resonated with me,I knew my feelings were undeniably more than just a crush."

Taylor's eyes brimmed with tears as she pulled the younger woman into her arms,holding her close to her chest. Softly she kissed Emma's forehead.

"You have no idea what those words mean to me." The singer whispered as she continued to hold her.

"I am so very much in love with you Emma,and I have been for some time now...to hear you say you feel the same is one of the furthest things I could ever have imagined would happen ."

The two were so close and as Emma tilted her head up towards Taylor the singer felt all the air sweep out of her lungs once more,something she had a feeling would happen a lot in the near future.

"I...I want..to..." Taylor leaned closer until their faces were less than a few inches apart.

"I know..." Emma's eyes jumped with excitement and longing. "But not here..."

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