➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒪𝓃𝑒

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A/N- Oh hii 👀



"I'm in love with you..."

Staring out the window of the apartment Emma replayed the words over and over in her mind,like she had been doing since her girlfriend had all but blurted them out.

"I love you."

The photographer could only hope she meant them,she thought she did,but Taylor had said some other things,hurtful things as well and this alone was pushing great doubt into Emma's head.

"Isn't that the worst damn thing you have ever heard."

The blonde hadn't gotten anything else out of the singer,who had simply cried into her shoulder until they had gotten to Andrea's apartment.

Taylor's mother had whisked her away and now Emma was standing in the living room staring out across the city completely utterly lost in an emotional turmoil.

Did she love Taylor?

Emma didn't even have to think about that answer,the real question was,did Taylor actually love her or was it just the alcohol talking.

"Dammit Tay..." she murmured aloud,letting her eyes fall shut as she rubbed her temple.

"Emma." A hand on her shoulder caused the photographer to start.

"A bit jumpy are we?"

Oh thank god

"Sorry Andrea." The blonde turned around sheepishly to face Taylor's mother who was looking her up and down with concern. "Is Taylor okay?"

"I got her changed and into bed,she is going to have a hell of a headache when she wakes up..." Andrea gave Emma another once over "And it seems she may have some regrets as well,but other than that she will be just fine."

Some regrets?

"Oh god..." Emma's cheeks flushed "What did she say..."

Andrea raised an eyebrow "Not much,just something about calling her girlfriend a "bitch" and then professing "her love" not even twenty minutes later."

Oh Taylor what have you done.

"That is the last time I ever let her near a glass of wine." Emma sighed as Andrea lead her over to the sofa.

"Im not going to ask about the "girlfriend" thing." Andrea smiled softly, "That can wait until Taylor herself is ready to say something,in a more sober state. However i'm going to ask what happened."

Emma fiddled with her hands nervously,she really didn't want to bring it all up,but avoidance clearly wasn't the answer.

"We argued after I called you. I told her she was drunk and she said i was being dramatic about what she had done in the restaurant...it kind of spun out from there. She called me some names and said other things she never would have without alcohol in her system."

The blonde paused to gauge Andrea's reaction,the older woman's face showed only sympathy.

"I managed to get her into the cab and she started crying and apologising and then...then." Emma's heart raced "She said something else,something Ive been dying to hear her say..."

Just not like that...

She trailed off willing herself not to reveal more than she should.

"Are you okay?" Andrea reached across to rest a hand on her arm.

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