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A/N- Sooooo theres no real reason why this took so long, other than school and work being painful and leaving me with zero time to write. BUT HERE I AM!!!

ALSO IM SO EXCITED FOR THE TOUTERED POETS DEPARTMENT!!!! I've been going absolutely crazy with excitement, Its going to be incredible and I CANNOT WAIT!


Emma had just left Tree's office when her phone let off a few out-of-timed notifications. Slightly confused as to why everyone was suddenly trying to contact her, the blonde swiped up to check the previews.

There she found several texts, three emails, and one call.

The emails she ignored were from her eldest sister, Mila, and her Father.

Most of the texts she also chose to ignore as they were from a group chat called The Straights 🤪, which contained Cara, Blake, Stormy, and Selena and said enough for itself.

However two notifications stood out, one was a text from Alison and the other was a call from Ali's fiancé Molly.

The first wasn't what was confusing her, it was the second one.

Sure she and Molly spoke, but not excessively and their conversations were rarely over call and more so over text than anything else.

Slightly confused and a little concerned the photographer decided to start with the obvious option and text her sister back first, before deciding what to do with Molly.


Ali 💕
Hey my sis, what are you and Tay doing tonight?

Hiya Al x
Not much last time I checked, why?

Ali 💕
How about the two of you come over to mine and Molly's for dinner?

I mean I'll check with Taylor but that sounds amazing!!!
Can I ask if there is a specific reason?

Ali 💕
Yes actually, but if you guys are keen we can talk tonight <3

Well, I'm headed home to have quite a serious conversation with Taylor now, but I'll confirm with you later okay?

Ali 💕
Brilliant okay!
Also, seriously how?

Don't stress Al we are perfectly okay 💕💕
Just have missed a few things communication-wise.

Ali 💕
Text me later!

Promise x

Ali 💕

Finishing up with her sister Emma decided it would be easier to simply just text Molly as well, considering she was almost home anyway.


Hey, are you okay?

Yeah! Sorry about the surprise call but I needed an opinion on a matter.
Well, two matters.

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