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A/N- New Chapter and New Cover (not changing it again) I wanted something that captured the Lover Era since that's kinda the theme I've decided to go with.

A/N- New Chapter and New Cover (not changing it again) I wanted something that captured the Lover Era since that's kinda the theme I've decided to go with

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Enjoy this little filler chapter (stuff happens but nothing too exciting just yet) 🫶🏼



"I forgot that you existed
And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't.
And it was so nice
So peaceful and quiet.
I forgot that you existed
I did, I did, I did.
It isn't hate, it's just indifference.
It isn't love, it isn't hate
It's just indifference,so yeah."

"Yes Taylor!" Jack grinned at her from behind the glass. "Perfect absolutely perfect!"

The singer smiled back at him and removed her headphones. "We done?"

"Give me a second." Her producer answered sticking his head into the room. "Here catch."

He threw a bottle of water across the studio which Taylor caught and quickly opened.

It was the seventh time they had recorded I Forgot That You Existed and the blonde's throat was killing her.

As she sipped the cool liquid she snuck a glance into the other room where Emma sat.

The younger blonde had her lip between her teeth and was completely focused on what ever work she was doing.

Taylor found it adorable and couldn't help but watch her,however creepy she felt she was being.

As if her thoughts were being read aloud,Emma's eyes flickered up from her laptop and met Taylor's.
The other woman's mouth curled into a tiny a smirk and the singer's eyes widened.

Oh shit!

She had been caught.

Blushing profusely Taylor diverted her eyes down and started peeling the sticker off the water bottle in an attempt to act natural.

"You're subtle."

"Shut up Jack!"

The older man,whom she hadn't realised was still in the room,laughed at her.

"She's clueless though."

Not helping.

"I don't actually know if that's worse or better."

Jack gave her a sympathetic look.

"Want to talk?"

Taylor shook her head.

"No,not really."

He nodded "I'm here if you need." He then glanced down at his laptop again and frowned "You're going to hate this but we need to do it again."

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now