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A/N- I honestly can't offer up an explanation as to why I was gone so long,its a bunch of complex matters...I will say that I seriously seriously did consider quitting this book, however the continuous support from all of you and a few special individuals gave me the motivation I needed to proceed.

I have no idea who is still reading this months later but if you are, thank you xo



The blonde was infuriated.


For a very good reason.

Her Girlfriend and Tree Paine...whom were still basically freezing eachother out.

It had been almost a month since their argument and Tree had been icy towards Taylor since.

This in turn caused the singer to pull all her defences up and return the cold attitude.

Now the two barely spoke,the only time they conversed was when it was a necessity.

It was getting to much for Emma to cope with. She loved Taylor and treasured Tree dearly and the lack of communication between them was beginning to take its toll.

Taylor pretended she was fine but Emma could tell her girlfriend really missed her friend and was pretty much beating herself up over the entire incident.

Tree on the other hand,went quiet and shutdown when the photographer attempted to discuss the issue.

That left Emma with one option.



(Emma created the group : THIS CLOSE TO THE EDGE!)

(Emma added Selena,Stormy,Blake and Andrea)

Emma: I need help.
Emma: I'm over it.

Stormy: Hello to you to my dearest best friend :)

Emma: Stormy. Read. The. Room.

Selena: Ignore her Em,are you okay?

Emma: Nope :)

Andrea: If im here I assume it's got to do with Taylor?

Emma: And her scary publicist.

Blake: Why am I here?

Emma: Because you're not scared of Tree.

Selena: and we are?

Emma: You and Stormy find her intimidating and honestly I don't blame you.
Love her but don't want to be on her bad side.

Andrea: Me?

Emma: You're here to make sure I don't lose the last of my marbles.

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now