➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒮𝒾𝓍

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A/N- Every dead end street lead you straight to me...




"What ar-"

Emma couldn't even get the sentence out before Taylor had her in a tight embrace,head buried in the crook of her neck.

"I missed you so much." She whispered. "Four days is to long."

The photographer's own arms instantly snaked their way around singer as she placed featherlight kisses on her cheek.

"I missed you to sweetie."

While the two had their moment,Selena slipped into the apartment and Stormy lead her into the kitchen to give their friends some privacy.

"And so we finally meet in person." Selena gave the other brunette a side hug in a form of greeting.

"We do." Stormy grinned and returned the action "Wine? As a reward for our actions."

"I'd love some."

"I don't know about you Selena,but I'd say that was a job well done." Stormy winked at her before grabbing a bottle of wine from behind the counter and pouring out two glasses.

"It definitely was!" Selena grinned and raised her glass "To us,new partners in crime."

The other brunette raised her glass "Now that I can drink to."

Back in the hallway Taylor and Emma were still in each others arms.

"Is it crazy to say I can't stand being away from you that long." Taylor pulled back,breaking the silence and looking slightly vulnerable. "I mean we don't even know what we are yet and I already want to spend every waiting second with you."

"Not crazy at all..." Emma smiled softly and reached up to part the hair out of the taller woman's face. She leaned forward and gently pressed their lips together. "Okay well maybe a little..." she giggled pulling back "But then we can be crazy together."

The singer groaned "You have got to stop doing that."

"Stop what?" Emma's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Come here you dumbass." Taylor cupped her cheek gently and leaned in with a soft smile on her face.
Their lips met again,only this time for a proper kiss that neither planned to cut short.

Warmth spread through them both as their eyes locked and once again the world seemed to fade.
Soft,gentle and passionate. Only a few words of many that could be used to describe how Emma and Taylor felt in that moment.

"You take my breath away you know." Emma gasped once they finally broke apart.

"Well you make me feel like I'm sixteen again and head over heels for you in some film or movie." Taylor chuckled,also trying to regain her breath as she pulled the younger woman closer. "Did I mention how much I missed you?"

Emma giggled and kissed the tip of her nose "You did indeed."

The two lapsed into a silence as they heard murmuring coming from the kitchen.

"Hold up." Taylor realised. "This is your apartment..."

"Why thank you." Emma gave her a weird look "I am aware of that."

"What...how?" The singer pulled away as she tried to gather her thoughts. "Selena...photoshoot...what?"

"Hold up?" Emma's eyes widened "Did you not know you were coming to see me?"

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