➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇

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A/N- I feel like there has been too much fluff lately...hmm


No One

"Em darling get the door for me please!"

Taylor had just stepped out of the shower and Emma was running around cleaning a few things up for the party,trying to be as subtle as possible when the knock came.

The younger blonde hadn't planned on staying the night because of what was to come the following day,however Taylor had absolutely refused to let her go after their Greys marathon,and so Emma was now about to face Ryan and Blake a lot sooner than expected.

She knew who it was going to be and a part of her was nervous but the photographer pushed those feelings away and moved to answer the door.

Blake and Ryan stood on the otherside of Taylor's apartment door bundled up tightly in coats and beanies. The weather wasn't exactly pleasant and so they had opted out of bringing the kids with them.

As they knocked and waited,two voices could be heard clearly from the inside.

"Are we in the right place?" Ryan gave his wife a doubtful look.

Blake,a little wiser than her husband on a few matters concerning their pop star friend just nodded. "I'm sure of it."

Sure enough the door opened a few seconds after the words had left her mouth and they came face to face with a pretty blonde a few years younger than them.

"Hey..." she smiled and pulled the door open. "Please come in,Taylor's still getting ready."

Ryan looked extremely confused and opened his mouth to say something. However Blake gave the woman a quick once over and beat him to it.

"Emma right?" She asked with a slight hesitation.

"That's right." The photographer's smile was gentle and genuine. "It's great to meet you." Her eyes flickered over to Ryan. "Both of you."

She lead them both into the apartment and to the kitchen. "Could you give me a second to talk to Taylor,there is fresh coffee and cookies over there please help yourself."

Both nodded and Emma quickly exited the room to find and warn her girlfriend.

She didn't get far however as Taylor was just leaving her room and they bumped into eachother.

"Oh hey love,who was at the door?" She asked curiously fastening one earring.

"Uhh yeah about that...we may have some explaining to do."

Taylor's eye brows shot up and she darted past Emma into the kitchen before the younger woman could say anything else.

"Blake? Ryan?" The singer looked utterly stunned.

"Taylor!" Blake pulled her friend into a tight hug "It's been far too long!"

"It has." Taylor recovered quickly and returned the hug before giving her girlfriend a confused and conflicted look.

Emma did feel bad.

It hadn't been the plan for Blake and Ryan to find out she was Taylor's girlfriend so soon,but she didn't really see any other way out of their situation.

After all she wasn't supposed to be at the apartment so early in the morning but she did practically live in it.

Ryan moved forward to give Taylor a hug as well before pulling back and addressing the elephant in the room.

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