➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒

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A/N- Ohhh look,I'm on time for one 😭

"Tranquillitas ante tempestatem"



"Taylor...Taylor are you listening to me?"

The blonde ducked just in time as a pillow was hurled at her head.

"Jesus Sel!" She shot her best friend a death glare.

The brunette raised an eyebrow "I called you almost seven times,got something to share with the class?"

"Not really." Taylor turned away and resumed gazing out of the window,her fingers finding the chain around her neck.

The truth was plain and simple. She missed Emma.

Their date had been almost four days ago and they hadn't seen eachother since.

The reasons were simple enough,both Taylor and Emma had found themselves swept up in everyday life with work,meetings,family and other things.

The time away was practically torture for Taylor who was still trying to figure out where they stood.

The rest of the date had gone incredibly. After their second proper kiss the two had shared a glass of champagne,played scrabble and talked some more until it started raining. Emma had then dragged Taylor inside and they had cuddled up together on bean bags and watched re runs of Friends while playing with the cats and sharing little kisses.

It had been sweet and comfortable,so much so that neither woman wished to ruin it by having any other serious conversations in the moment.

"Is this about Emma?" Selena's voice sliced through the singer's reminiscing.

"Huh?" Taylor blinked in confusion.

"The reason you're so mopey and grumpy." The brunette was now standing in front of her. "Is it because of Emma,do I have to commit a felony?"

"Don't be an idiot Sel." The singer huffed. "She didn't do anything,in fact its the total opposite."

Now it was Selena's turn to be confused "What do you mean?"

"Its been almost four days Sel!" Taylor huffed "That is 95 hours,45 minutes and 33 seconds since I last saw her..."

The grin that appeared on Selena's face made the singer groan and bury her head in the couch cushions.

"Taylor Alison Swift you are utterly whipped."

"Am not!" Taylor's voice was muffled by the pillows.

"Does that mean the date went well?"

The blonde's head shot up at the question,her own smile lingering on her lips.

"Tell me everything!" Selena squealed jumping down onto the couch. "I need details!"

Taylor chuckled and crossed her legs,holding a pillow to her chest as she spoke.

"She was incredible...everything was set out so perfectly,we talked for hours,ate and had champagne while playing scrabble,watched Friends and cuddled with cats..." Her fingers absentmindedly found the necklace again and Selena narrowed her eyes.

"She gave you that didn't she?"

The singer blushed and nodded "Uh yeah...the first song I played her in person is one on the new album,it's titled The Archer hence the necklace."

"Hold up!" Selena stopped her "New Album?"

Taylor nodded "You know,the one that's been in the works for a while now."

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