➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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A/N- Buckle up loves,this is a rollercoaster of emotions with a LOT of fluff and some more sensitive topics.



As Taylor knocked on the door,the photographer couldn't help but wish she hadn't let go of her hand,seriously needed the little form of physical comfort.

"Taylor darling!"

Emma watched with a smile as the door was flung open and the woman she recognised as Mama Swift swooped the singer into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Mom." Taylor chuckled returning the hug,before pulling away and holding an arm out to the younger blonde.

"Mom this is Emma,one of my closest friends."

Suddenly feeling extremely shy and exposed,Emma took a step towards Andrea and held out her hand.

"Uh...hi Mrs Swift it's nice to meet you."

The older woman gently took her hand but instead of shaking it,drew a very unsuspecting photographer into a hug,much like the one Taylor had received.

Emma let out a surprised squeak and blushed furiously as Taylor's mouth curled at the sound.

"Its lovely to meet you Emma!" Andrea released her and stepped back. "Please call me Andrea."

The young blonde nodded and smiled politely. "Of course."

"Now that we have all been introduced,come inside girls,it's getting cold out here."

The two woman followed Andrea inside the apartment,as they did Emma felt Taylor move behind her and place a comforting hand on her back.

"You okay?"

The question was soft,barely a whisper but it made Emma's heart race.

Turning her head she gave her friend a soft smile over her shoulder.

"All good." She mouthed back.

"So we have the kitchen all to ourselves for atleast an hour or so before Scott comes back." Andrea's voice snapped them out of their little bubble.

"Where's Dad gone?" Taylor asked confused.

"He went to fetch Austin from the airport.

Oh no...

Emma felt slow panic start to seep back into her thoughts. She hadn't been prepared to meet all of the Swifts in one night.

What if Scott and Austin don't like me?

What if it's awkward for Taylor...

Oh no.

The photographer bit down on her bottom lip,trying to focus on Andrea and Taylor's conversation instead of her own thoughts.

Anxiety around new people had always been an issue for her,but this situation was different for Emma and she didn't understand why.

I just don't want to disappoint Taylor.

Clutching at the marble kitchen counter the younger blonde tried to act natural as her hands started tingling and her breathing began to pick up.

Emma knew what was happening and cursed herself for being unable to control the slowly bubbling anxiety attack.

Please god don't let this happen right now.

Unfortunately the tingling sensation started to spread up her arms and throughout the rest of her body causing a knot to rise into the photographers throat.

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