➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝓌𝑜

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A/N- All I have to say is....BOO 👻
(and that a lot of you are not about to expect this)



Sunlight streamed in through the curtains of Stormy's room. The curtains that had been forgotten about the night before.

Clothes lay scattered across the bedroom floor as the two figures in the bed slowly woke to face the reality of their nighttime activities.

"So uh this is new..." Selena chuckled,her cheeks red as Stormy rolled over to face her in the bed. They were pressed close together with nothing but a sheet in between them and that alone left little to their imaginations.

"No shit." The artist groaned covering her face as the light caught her eyes. "How much did we-"

"Not even half a bottle..."

Stormy blinked sleepily as she looked at Selena.
"So in other words..."

"We were a little buzzed at most." The singer finished her sentence again.

Both women took a moment just to look at each other.

"I had no idea you were-" Stormy started.

"Bi? Yeah it's not something I try to hide,but it's not something I outright say to people either."

"Had you ever-"

"Yes Stormy I've been with women before,wasn't that obvious." Selena winked cheekily,causing the artist to blush as some very detailed images came back to her.


"Thoughrally enjoyed yourself? Yes I know." Selena ducked as a pillow was thrown at her.

"Let me finish my sentences Sel!" Stormy's cheeks were on fire,not completely understanding how the woman in front of her affected her so great.

"Make me." Selena's eyes twinkled mischievously,she knew exactly how to play the game and she was damn good at it.

Stormy stared at the other brunette unblinking for a second before she moved forward slowly and tentatively kissed her.

Maybe she had expected Selena to pull back disgusted or push her away,but when she felt the older woman kiss her back it was like the weight of the word had lifted off her.

Their lips moved softly together,it was familiar yet so unfamiliar at the same time but neither woman had any complaints.

"Do you regret it..." Selena whispered pulling back after a bit,their faces were still inches apart and Stormy shivered at the feeling of the singer's soft breath.

"Absolutely not." Stormy pulled the older woman on top of her lap gently brushing her dark hair back and trying not to stare as the sheet slipped off her.

"Where do we go from here?" Selena asked,her arms draped over the younger woman's neck.

"Can I take you out?" Stormy didn't even hesitate to ask. "I know it's soon,really soon but you deserve better than to be a one night stand."

"I would love that Storm." Selena looked really touched by her words. "I've honestly been wanting to ask you that since we met a few weeks ago..."

She was Sunshine I was Midnight RainWhere stories live. Discover now