➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝒾𝒻𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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A/N: Yes the beginning is gonna be angsty but TRUST THE PROCESS!!!



"Uh...it's nice to meet you to."

The singer forced herself to smile as she shook the strangers hand.

Over his shoulder she met Tree's eyes and felt her stomach sink almost 30 feet.

She knew all to well where this was going.

"I tried to warn you." The redhead mouthed,and Taylor resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"You have a lovely apartment Taylor."

Joe stepped inside followed by Tree.

"Thank you."

"Is someone else here?" Tree turned to look at the blonde.



The redhead hesitated for a second before pointing Joe in the direction of the living room.

"Taylor and I will be along shortly,why don't you meet us in there?"

The man smiled once more at Taylor and nodded before making his way down the hall.

As soon as he was out of earshot Taylor turned to Tree,anger clouding her features.

"What the fuck Tree!"

"I didn't have a choice so don't get pissed off with me!"

Taylor's eyes blazed "Bullshit! You didn't have to bring him here!"


"So what? Is this the new man of my dreams!" Taylor's voice dripped with sarcasm. "The new guy I'm supposed to be hopelessly in love with!"


"What?! What could you possibly have to say Tree,I knew the moment I opened the door!"

"Taylor please..."

Tree's head dropped and her shoulders sunk. The next words that left her mouth were softly spoken and Taylor was shocked to hear the amount of emotion hidden behind them.

"I wish this could be different...but the higher ups already made the deal with his management team."

"I refuse to go through this publicity stunt again!"

Taylor's voice had softened but the edge to her tone was still present.

"Neither do I hun...but at this point in time we have no choice but to go along with it."

"Tree...I...what about..." The singer broke off as her thoughts turned to the woman sitting in her studio a few doors down.


The redhead stated knowingly watching how Taylor's anger slipped away at the other girls name.


"Lets cross that bridge when we get there."

The blonde sighed "Is there really nothing we can do...do I have to date him..."

"You have to date him Tay...but you don't have to fall in love with him."

"How long?"

"At least for the foreseeable future."

Taylor sunk down the wall in defeat.

"All this for publicity? Why."

"He has a movie coming out and his manager's thoughts by dating you it would bring up the movies ratings and views." Tree moved to touch her arm

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