➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇

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A/N- Hiiii 🫂 sorry for the wait I hope you enjoy this incredibly sweet chapter.



Emma had been kissed many times,but nothing she had experienced in the past even came close to what and how she was feeling right now.

Kissing Taylor was something she hadn't known she wanted until recently...but now the blonde knew it was something she would need and crave for the rest of her life.

The two woman reluctantly pulled apart after a while,the need for air becoming to great.

Emma looked up at Taylor through lidded eyes a small smile on her face. The singer was a gorgeous sight for sure,her cheeks were lightly flushed,her breath was coming out in short puffs and her eyes seemed to sparkle as the rest of her face practically glowed.

Subconsciously Emma brushed her fingers over her lips and couldn't help the feelings that washed over her when they came back tinted red with remnants of Taylor's lipstick.

"Its a good colour on you."

The blonde's eyes darted up to meet Taylor's. The older woman was watching her with a small smirk.

"Guess you'll have to be my supplier."

It was a lame come back,but the photographer couldn't care less,she was way to swept up in the moment to think properly.

"That can definitely be arranged." Taylor murmured,sweeping down to place another soft kiss on her lips.

It was almost as effective as the first one and had Emma melting into her arms once again.

"I hope you know my brain ceases to function around you..." She whispered once they had broken apart again.

Taylor's cheeks flushed and she wrapped her arms around the photographers neck,their foreheads resting together. "You don't know the extent of the affect you have on me..." she said,tone soft and honest.

"This feels real..." Emma muttered "Way more than I originally anticipated it to..."

"Does it scare you?" Taylor wasn't being unkind,she was curious.

"It does." The photographer caught her gaze "But I've never been one to run because of fear."

The singer's eyes seemed to shine even brighter at these words. "That makes two of us."

The two stayed in each other's embrace for a while longer,just happy to be where they were. If they really wanted to neither would have moved for hours,but soon enough Emma pulled out of Taylor's arms to take her hand instead.

"Shall we carry on with our date m'lady!" The blonde spoke in a proper voice,trying her best not to laugh as she leaned forward and kissed Taylor's knuckles.

"You're an idiot you know." Taylor blushed profusely and looked away with a giggle.

"Yeah but I'm your idiot." Emma replied with a wink before pulling the blonde gently towards the table in the middle of the gardens.

The photographer watched with great joy as Taylor took in all the details of the spread she had arranged.

"I just picked a few small things you had told me you enjoyed,like the chocolate covered strawberries and the cookies,and then I added some other things Tree and Selena suggested." Emma pulled out the chair for her date as she spoke. "It's simple food,nothing really fancy but it's from the heart."

Taylor leaned up and placed a soft kiss on the blonde's cheek,determined to show her gratitude before the younger woman overthought it.

"I love it all and simple foods are most often more comforting!"

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