➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒

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Taylor paced back and forth in front of her bed as she re read Emma's last text for the tenth time.


She is a really cool friend and is fun
to talk to ;)
(read 03:33)

The blonde had expected the other woman to figure it out sooner than later,but now that it had actually happened she had no idea what to do.

"Mere? Liv? Benji?"

She looked at the three animals as if expecting answers from them.

Unable to come to a conclusion quickly,for fear of it being the wrong one,the singer tossed her phone down and walked over to where her guitar sat in the corner of her room.

Taylor needed to clear her head and what helped her do that was playing pieces of music to herself.

Some songs were her own but most were from other composers.

Playing around with the strings for a second she got the sound she was looking for and began playing the opening cords for one of her favourite songs.

It was choppy in the beginning but soon she was playing,Would That I by Hozier, just as she had a hundred times before.

It was the one song the singer herself knew she would never grow tired of hearing,or playing.

The blonde's fingers brushed across the strings gently as she hummed along to the tune,a soft expression on her face

Unfortunately the song was over to soon and Taylor found herself putting the guitar down.

Fortunately her head was no longer spinning and her thoughts seemed clearer.

Jumping on her bed she picked up the discarded phone and without dwelling on it much,sent through a simple text.

Now all she had to do was wait for a response.


I'm calling you.
(read 04:00)


Taking in a deep breath the singer hit the call button. She didn't know why she was so nervous.

They were friends. Friends called each other all the time.

Emma practically jumped out of her skin when her phone started to ring.

She had been expecting the call,yet somehow it still managed to startle her.

She had been expecting the call,yet somehow it still managed to startle her

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