➳ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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A/N- Heyyyyyyyy look out for 🪺 in this chapter ;) they are there!

(Warning: There is minor minor minor spice 🤷‍♀️ don't get to excited though)


"We should talk..."


The blonde could have cursed her girlfriend for putting her in such an awkward and uncomfortable position.

Unfortunately she knew that Emma meant well and therefore despite all her instincts Taylor didn't run from Tree.

"It seems our...fallout has started putting people we  both care about in some weird positions..."
Tree started,her voice was tight,almost as if there was a lump in her throat.


Taylor stated dumbly.

Quite simply put,she did not know what to say. It was a rare occurrence when this happened and it only seemed to happen when it came to Emma or when the singer was put in situations that forced her to look at difficult emotions that shook her defences.

Tree stared at her,eyes careful as the blonde was studied.

"Taylor..." she sighed, "I wont lie...I was furious at you for not telling me about the stalker like texts and calls,however I was more upset that despite everything we...you have been through you would jeopardise your safety."

"I was wrong." Taylor sighed softly looking down, "I can wholeheartedly admit to that and I truly am sorry,I don't know what I was think-"

"You weren't!" Tree interrupted sharply causing the singers gaze to jump up in surprise.

She wasn't done.

"You weren't thinking! And you know what Taylor you didn't only put yourself in danger." Tree crossed her arms, "Its Emma's safety now to. I have to worry about both of you,and by letting the messages continue you jeopardised the both of you and ran the risk of your relationship going public!"

Taylor let her words sink in. Tree was right of course. She had been foolish and had possibly endangered herself and Emma.

The day after she had told Tree they had changed her personal number and given the new one only to family and super close friends. She hadn't heard anything since.

"Im sorry Tree." Taylor murmured staring holes into the bottom of her cup. "Truly I am...I was stupid and reckless and then I still got upset with you because you were upset with me,and made it worse. I truly truly am sorry..."

Tree studied her carefully before her shoulders dropped slightly and her expression became more relaxed.

"Its not all on you." She said, "I got angry and instead of talking I shut you out. That was not on and also added to this whole thing becoming more of a train smash than it should have been."

Taylor tilted her head.

"Does...does that mean I'm forgiven?"

Tree smiled softly, "If I am?"

Taylor nodded and a matching smile formed on her face. She stood and slipped into the booth next to the redhead.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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