Chapter 30

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In the Kalos Region, Diantha is about to leave the house, and David asks, "Mom, is it another movie filming?"

Diantha says, "Well, it is not exactly that. I'm going to visit Ash at his living place."

"Ash? As in Ash Ketchum? You mean our cousin who was framed for murdering Aunt Delia?" David asks. "Can I come as well?"

Diantha says, "Of course, you can come. I'm sure your uncle Adam will be delighted to see you."

David rubs his head with a sheepish smile and says, "Well, yeah... I also have a lot of inventing stuff that I wanted to ask him. But I'm a little scared that Ash might be disappointed with us..."

"Why would he be disappointed with you?" Diantha shakes her head. "He misses the two of you as well. That reminds me, where is Elline by the way?"

David says, "Elline was in the Unova Region, she said that she wanted to watch the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" in Nimbasa City. However, that show already ended a week ago, and she hadn't returned from Unova as well..."

"I just hope nothing bad happens to her." Diantha says while they head to Sevestar Island. And on the island, they were greeted by Adam, who is helping training Ash's Pokemon.

"Brother Adam!" Diantha greets Adam, who stops training and turns to her.

"Diantha! And that man over there, your son David, right? It sure has been a while." Adam says.

"It's nice to see you again, Uncle Adam." David says.

"David is here since he misses Ash and wants to meet him. But it seems that we come in a bad time?" Diantha asks.

"Ash and Alice are in the Unova Region. We just called and Ash informed me they have the use for the Electric Type Disguises." Adam says.

"Really? So Ash and Alice are now going for Electric Types? I heard that they have been crazily developing 18 disguises." Diantha asks. "So what are their disguises?"

"Same as you did. They are planning to become an actor and an actress. They are working with director Tom Wood and they're also working on the movie "The Thunder Girl." Adam says.

Diantha is surprised, and she says, "No way. I say that they do have the potential for being an Actor and Actress, considering they do a good job in using disguises."

David says, "Did you also mention "The Thunder Girl"? That was one of Elline's favorite novels. She will definitely be jealous if she learns that Ash and Alice are a part of it. Does that mean Alice is playing the role of the Thunder Girl?"

"Sadly, none of them get the Thunder Girl. Ash gets Professor Bolt and Alice gets Professor Electra." Adam says. "When they joined in, the role of the Thunder Girl is already chosen."

Diantha says, "Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. But in the story, Bolt and Electra are husband and wife, and the Thunder Girl is their child."

As they hear the noise, they look up in the air and notice a plane approaching. Delia says, "Looks like Ash and Alice have returned."

"I still can't believe those two manage to fly around in AK151." Diantha says. "And having Wallace's son as their coach is also surprising."

And once they arrive on the ground. Ash asks, "So how do you feel, Elline?"

"Just glad to know that my life isn't wasted." Elline says. "But good flying skills you have there, Ash."

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