Chapter 42

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Ash, Mark, and Minami are now heading toward Golly's grave. Minami says, "To think Golly was dead back then... all this time we thought she was still alive..."

"Yeah... her grave is in the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. Let's be careful not to wake the ghosts." Ash says.

When they get inside, they find some poachers who are poaching for Marowak skulls. They chase the hunter to the top floor of the place and they tell him to surrender, but before the hunter can say anything, something starts to grab his hand.

"What is that?" The poacher turns around and he sees something terrifying, a zombie-like person that approaches from the ground is grabbing him. "Finally, fresh meat!"

Ash, Mark, and Minami can only watch in horror as the being eat the hunter alive, Ash says, "That is disgusting...I mean...this is not something we should have seen..."

Mark asks, "So, what about now?"

"I have to guess that monster... it is now targeting us..." Ash says as the Buried Alive is coming closer to them. Ash, Mark, and Minami try to dodge the monster, but they can't always dodge it. And the fact that the door is locked doesn't help them as well.

"Just great, don't tell me that we are going to be killed just like that poacher..." Minami says as she finally feels fear in her heart. Ash clicks his tongue and then they hear the Buried Alive say, "You''m trapped...And I'm lonely...So very lonely...Won't you join me?"

"Trapped..." Ash says. "Maybe there is another way to save that monster..."

Just then, the door suddenly opens, and they hear a voice, "Gengar, use Shadow Ball!"

A Gengar appears in front of Ash and Alice as it sends the Buried alive backward. Ash and Alice turn around and see that their savior is no other than the Saffron City Gym Leader, Sabrina.

"Sabrina?" Ash asks. "What are you doing here?"

"We can talk about it later, I know you're Ash and I know you're innocent. This is Buried Alive, it is a ghost who was trapped here inside the top floor of the Pokemon Tower." Sabrina says.

"So what should we do then?" Minami asks. "How are we going to stop that monster?"

Sabrina says, "We will have to set it free." Her eyes are glowing and she says, "We Psychics are different from Aura Users. We have a lot of Psychic abilities, and for my ability, I can change any person into a doll if I want to. And perhaps it will be working on this doll."

Just then, they can hear the Buried Alive screaming, and eventually, it is not out of their sight, and Sabrina is holding a doll. But as they look at the doll, they see a face that causes them to be surprised: It looks just like a female version of Ash.

"It seems like before this girl becomes that monster, it looks like just like you." Sabrina says as she gives him the doll.

"What do you mean?" Ash asks, but then he widens his eyes. " can't be..."

Mark and Minami are also shocked, but Minami quickly turns to Sabrine, "By the way, thank you, Sabrina, for saving us."

"No problem. Your father called me to help you since he is worried about you, he might have heard about Buried Alive and you guys trying to find your dead sister's grave." Sabrina says.

"I see." Ash says.

Gengar also greets Ash as it is the same one that he gives to Sabrina. Ash also sends out his own Gengar as the two of them play pranks with each other.

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