Chapter 46

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In Kanto, Mark, Luke, and East are there, they head to Rota first as Ash and Alice have already solved the puzzle before getting back to Sevestar after the coronation day, so all they need is to take the gem from the pedestal.

"Still, breaking open the barrier with bare hands isn't that easy." East says, "Especially since Ash and Alice are in weak states."

Mark says, "Now we have our Fighting Gem, the next target is the Rock Gem.

They break open a cave in the Grandpa Canyon with Diancie's help. When they enter the cave, they are surprised to see in front of them an Omastar just passing by. Luke asks, "An Omastar? What is going on here?"

"If my assumptions are correct," Diancie says, "We are going to the Grandpa Canyon, a place where extinct Pokemon living in there."

"Then maybe it will be better if we ask them for help." Mark says as they follow the path, then they see the light, and then appear in front of them is a mining puzzle guarded by an Aerodactyl. Surrounded by the Pokemon are all the Ancient Pokemon, some of them aren't even Rock Type, to begin with. There are Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerdactyl, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Titouga, Carracosta, Archen, Archeops, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum, Amaura, Aurorus, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, and Arctovish.

"This is a great discovery..." East says in awe. "Look at how many fossils are there."

"Yeah...amazing view." Mark says, and then the Fossil Pokemon notice them and then they screech at the three people along with the Diancie, preparing to attack.

"Please hear us out." Mark speaks in a Prehistoric language, causing them to get surprised, as they don't think anyone in this current world still knows their language. "We don't mean any harm. We have some mission to do here."

Then the Aerodactyl says, "How are you able to speak our language? Who are you guys?"

Mark says, "We're aura guardians, we are here to retrieve the Rock Gem so we can save our loved ones."

"Then prove to us by solving this puzzle." Aerodactyl says as they notice the puzzle. Luke says, "This is actually my specialty, I've played this game a lot of times. So the Rock Gem is hiding inside this mining rock, right?"

Then Luke starts to carefully break the rock, he doesn't want to make it collapse so that they can't get it. Before getting the last try, Luke eventually finds the Rock Gem and takes it.

Tyrantrum says, "You've solved the puzzle, that means you're the chosen Ones. You can keep the Rock Gem for what you want."

"Thank you." Mark says, but just before they can take the gems, they hear a voice.

"Seems like I don't need to waste my efforts." Mark notices a vampire approaching for the gem, and he quickly jumps up and uses Spirit Shackle on it, forcing the demon to dodge.

"What was that? A Vampire?" East asks.

"You must be one of the Demons that try to take the gems." Mark says.

"Ah, Delia's son." The vampire says, "The name is Suzuki, one of the 8 members of the demons."

"But how do you know our mother?" Mark asks.

"She has great powers, that's why I've been possessing that businessman so I can take her powers for my ambitions." Suzuki laughs.

"I see...demons have the power to possess people. If what he said is true...he must've possessed Giovanni..." Luke says.

Then Mark and Suzuki are engaging in a battle, Suzuki is skilled with air battles, causing Mark's attacks to miss a lot. "This is not going to do well..." Mark mutters.

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