Chapter 39

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"You really shouldn't help me with this." Alice says with a blush since Ash and Alice are taking a shower with each other.

"I know, but I want to, and I'm sure that you want to do it as well." Ash says while squeezing at a sensitive area, causing Alice to moan a little. "Aren't you enjoying what I'm doing with you?"

Alice isn't saying anything since her mind is now blank with the pleasure Ash is giving her. Ash looks at her body and says, "The scars on your body aren't that clear, and your body really is a nice one."

"Glad you think so." Alice says with lust, and she decides to take action, "However, you're not the only one who gets your fun, it will be fair if I do it as well."

"Do whatever you like." Ash says as they continue their bath together.

Once they are done, Ash and Alice are now in their pajamas, before they can get some sleep, they hear a door knock. Ash asks, "Who's it?"

"It's me." Drandon says as he enters the room. Ash asks, "Drandon, what's the matter?"

"Sorry if I interrupt your alone time, we just want to inform you that another Turtonator was on a rampage near the volcano, Lucine and I already took care of it."

"I see." Alice says. "Though we are sorry we didn't help you out as the Dragon Prince and Dragon Princess."

"Don't worry, we know that the Violet Depression is making you weak." Drandon says as he leaves, leaving Ash and Alice alone in the room sleeping.

The next day, Ash and Alice found Gary, Eve, Lillie, Mark, Paul, and Golly at the table. They join them and Golly asks, "Are you okay right now to go out like this?"

"Don't worry, we're fine." Ash says.

"We heard about the Infinity Gems and the murderers of Alice's bullies. I must say that you sure have been busy these days." Gary says.

"Yeah, but that isn't going to stop us from bringing the Champions and their chosen trainers to the next gym, and we just finished the Dark Gym in RPA Academy." Ash says.

"A Dark Type Gym is something that is really uncommon in the world." Paul says. "Although it would've been better if I was the one who battled, not that Trip..."

"But we're still going there because I'm still the Vice Principal of the School." Alice says. "We still have some school work and Eve is going to meet us there."

Lillie says, "About that, I might have helped you with some things thanks to Ash."

Then after the chat for a while, Ash and Alice still head to the RPA Academy for some stuff. While Ash is staying in the office, Alice decides to walk alone in the schoolyard. But she is not happy to see Serena there, since she was supposed to be back at Otem Town with the other Champions.

"You did something to Champion Red." Serena accuses.

"And what did I do to him?" Alice says, "Us dating is not a day or two thing, we have been dating for 4 years. Besides, has it ever occurred to you that Champion Reed found out your real motives for wanting to go out with him? That he found out your true colors?"

"What do you mean by that?" Serena demands.

"I mean, we all know that you still love Ash. however, look how you threw him under the bus, and apparently, you're on the rebound since you're now pursuing Red and even acting a little strange around him. If I were Red, I wouldn't want someone who would choose their public image over me or someone who would just move on to someone else shortly after a breakup for the matter." Alice says.

Besides, if anyone should be acting strange around Ash, it should be her. After all, she's the one who saw him with his pants off, not Serena.

"I have to uphold justice. That has nothing to do with my image." Serena clenches her fists. "And how dare you insult me?"

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