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Friday, 25th of November

After i had spent yesterday exploring the city and editing the footage for the vlog i had been planning on releasing, i was back at the stadium today for England's game against the US.

I was here with only Denise today, since Jobe had to leave to go back to school again; with Mark accompanying him to England.

Which, to be honest, had me thinking about school too. Since i was eighteen, i was permitted to leave for the time being. It was on my own watch though. Whatever happened to my grades would go on my account.

I didn't really worry about that though; i had written every exam before christmas holidays, and the outcomes were more than enough for me to miss two weeks.

The only thing i missed about school was the tea, but i luckily had Emma to update me about everything that was happening. Every night, she sent a audio message where she'd fill me in about everything i was missing.

My family's absence was another thing that i had found myself finding weird. I have never not seen any of them for longer than two days. Being away from them this long was new, but honestly much needed.

I missed them, without question, but not having to deal with them every day was kind of peaceful. Besides, i also talked to at least one of my family members every day, so i guess thw distance was also bearable for them.

Gio had been included in the US squad too, which meant i might get to see him today as well.

It was like twenty minutes until kickoff, and Denise was currently facetiming Jude to make sure he was putting on sun screen.

She had been pretty consistent about it, since the UV index was skyrocketing today and she didn't want him to take one step closer to getting skin cancer.

One might think she'd go too far, but my mom was exactly the same. Thanks to her though, applying sun screen was a fundamental step in my everyday skin care routine since years now.

I was looking over Denise's shoulder, watching as Jude was as hectically smearing sun screen all over his face as the people were in the background.

Staff was shooing other staff around, and from then to then, one of his teammates would stumble though the picture. Pure chaos.

But from my experience, it was always like this before a game. They didn't even do it on purpose, everyone was just naturally stressed.

Jude was called by someone, and gave them a small nod, as in saying 'i'll be there in a minute' before turning back to his mom.

"I gotta go mom, love you." He said, which Denise returned. Before he could hang up, she turned the phone so that it was showing me.

His eyes lit up, and i waved at him with a open mouthed smile. "Good luck baby, i love you."

"It happens, don't beat yourself up over it." I stroked Jude's back in a comforting manner as we stood in the middle of the field yet again, with me side hugging him.

About fifteen minutes had passed since the referee blew the whistle that had ended the game with a nil-nil draw. The stadium was clearing, but the pitch was still packed with the press and staff running after players.

He mumbled a 'mhm', pinching his nose with two fingers while scrunching up his face. His eyes scanned the stadium absentmindedly, and he seemed a little lost in thought.

"Stop sulking you pussy." I whipped my head around to see that Gio had walked up to us, and watched as he smacked the back of Jude's head.

I let go of Jude's back and stepped forward to hug Gio with a grin. I haven't seen him in about two months, and i had honestly missed him during that time. But i'd never tell him that.

When i pulled back, there suddenly was a fourth person with us. Staff, i could tell by the neon tee. Which resulted into our reunion being short lived for the time being, because both Gio and Jude had been requested by the press.

I silently trudged behind them as they made their way over to where they set up those plexiglass walls you see in the back of post game interviews.

Jude turned to me, leaning down to tell me to just stand here for a minute, and that he wouldn't be long.

Gio was already waving at him to come over from where they had to stand a few meters away from me, so i quickly grabbed Jude's track jacket and his water bottle from him and shooed him away.

He gave me a quick forehead kiss and then jogged over to Gio, where they then gave a interview together.

Jude kept glancing at me, reaching up to pinch his nose to hide his smile when i would give him a thumbs up.

About an hour later, after Jude was asked to do another interview alone and after they had finished getting ready, the three of us left the stadium together to head somewhere downtown. Denise had left us a while ago, saying she was too tired to go out.

Just as we were about to exit through the back, to get to our driver's car, a voice calling out for Jude made us halt in our tracks.

I sighed, but still out on a smile before looking over my shoulder to meet the eyes of the person who had called out for him; expecting it to be press again.

But my expression immediately dropped when my eyes set on none other than the person i had most dreaded on running into today. Bree.

Gio looked at her nonchalantly, before looking at me and Jude's reaction to her, which had him visibly trying to refrain from lifting the corner of his mouth.

"Are you going out for dinner?" She batted her eyelashes at us, or much rather, him.


"Yes!" Jude exclaimed, nodding awkwardly before throwing me a glance through his side vision. He was trying to read my reaction.

"Can i come? I haven't been able to eat today because of work, and i don't want to go grab something alone..."

Gio seemed confused wth her request, as he didn't know who she was.

Jude looked torn between declining her, or letting her tag along.

After a log pause, i just took matters into my own hands. I was way too interested into what else she'd have to say about me; or with which way in trying to impress Jude she had come up with this time. I was petty, yes, but i loved me a little drama.

"Yeah, no big deal."

hab das im suff geschrieben... but what are those transfers💀 (heavy on the messi to miami???)

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now