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Pushing through the heavy steel door, I was met with the familiar sight of the city lights in the distance. A fresh breeze blew through my hair, my gaze swiftly wandering over the platform before landing on him; his back turned to me as he was leaning on the railing.

"Jude?" I spoke, voice faint due to the noise of the wind.

After the game, he hadn't come to the stands like he did last time. I tried calling him, but the call didn't even come through.

I told Emma to wait for me at the entrance again, as I already had had a suspicion on where he was. Turned out, I had been right. It was the platform he had brought me to after the last game, the one he told me he always went to after every game.

He turned around, eyes landing on me with a quizzical look. I made my way over to the him, leaning on the railing as well to take in the view.
I don't know if I could ever get enough of this place, honestly.

"You're a bit dramatic, aren't you?" I stated with a chuckle, nudging him next to me with my shoulder.

"A draw isn't a good result." He muttered, his voice sounding genuinely disappointed.

"No, but it's not a los either." I tried to reason, seemingly not having much success though because he simply didn't say anything else. "If it matters, I think you played well."

His head tilted to look at me. "You do?"

"Yeah, why shouldn't I?" I restated with a genuine smile, making him smile too.

"Although, if I was you I would've been better." I added, grinning provocative.

"Get over yourself, we both know I'm undefeated." He argued with a roll of his eyes, trying to suppress the big smile threatening to form on his lips but failing miserably.

"If it helps you sleep at night." I shrugged, stepping back from the railing with his eyes following me. They dropped down to the jersey I was wearing, causing him to smirk.

"What?" I asked, a daring smile on my face as I kept walking backwards with him following.

"I knew it'd look good on you, but I didn't expect it to be that good." He simply replied, catching up with me as we stepped back inside.

"Of course it looks that good, it's me who's wearing it." I stated with a dramatic flick of my hair, making him break out into a laugh.

"I mean it." I added, his arm slinging around my shoulders to draw me closer while he was still laughing to himself.

"I'm sure you do." He muttered sarcastically, earning a scoff from me as we continued walking through the almost empty stadium halls to meet Emma at the entrance.

We found her leaning against a pole as she was staring down at her phone in her hands. When she had eventually noticed us approaching, she sighed in relief.

"There you are! Thought you might've dumped me for him." She complained, pointing at Jude who stood slightly behind me.

"I didn't even think of that," I said, turning around to look at Jude "maybe we should've done that."

He just scrunched up his face into a sarcastic 'yeah right' expression as I felt Emma hook her arm with mine.

"Ready to leave?" She proposed, making me hum in approval. We said goodbye to Jude, me kissing his cheek which had kind of gotten my thing now for some reason.

"Tia," he called for me after Emma and I had already started walking away, making me turn around. "Are you free tomorrow? You have that math exam next week, right?"

I tilted my head, smiling at the fact that he had actually remembered what I had casually told him in the car last week when we got McDonald's.

"I am." I nodded with a wink before turning around to continue our way home.

Well, my home. But as I had already mentioned, Emma basically was part of the family considering how much she stayed over.

"Where's Luz? Haven't seen that damn cat the whole day." She asked as soon as we arrived home, kicking her shoes off as I headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Emma soon joined me, opening the fridge in search of something edible I suppose.

She ended up grabbing a pudding, brows furrowing when she saw my reaction. "What?"

"That's Tiago's." I pointed out, making her sigh in annoyance as she put it back and instead reached for a fruit yogurt to snack before we headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

After, Emma already got comfortable in my bed while I searched through the whole house for my cat Luz. I hated sleeping without him.

I ended up finding him in the laundry basket—god knows why he always chose that place to sleep in— and carried him to my room, much to Emma's favor.

She put on Divergent, a movie we both had seen at least fifty times, and not long into it I felt my eyelids get heavier before I eventually drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Emma left in the morning, after we had breakfast in bed with a side of our usual gossip. She said she'd go out with some of her friends, who I wasn't friends with. I took a mental note to maybe go out with some of my other friends as well, I felt kinda bad because we barely met each other anymore.

Anyways, it meant I had the majority of the day to myself. Jude texted me earlier, saying he'd show up at six to help me study. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood to study but if it meant that I got to see him— who am I to decline the offer? Also, I was never in the mood to study, so maybe it was good that someone forced me to; or at least tried to.

I was currently sitting on my brothers bed, controller in my hands with him sitting next to me as we were racing each other in Mario Cart.

"That's actually embarrassing for you." I commented when I finished before him for the fourth time, meaning that I won the tournament.

"Shut up." He muttered frustratedly, laying back agains the wall as he tossed the controller to the side. I did the same, still chuckling to myself as I picked up my phone. I may be bad at any other video game, but I was unbeatable at Mario Cart. I checked the time, it was 17:50 already.

"Alright, imma head back to my room." I spoke, patting his knee provocatively as I got up.

"Why? Are you scared that I'll beat your ass in Fifa?" Tiago teased, his brows raised as he mustered me already standing in the doorway.

"Never," I huffed, "but I got someone coming over in like ten minutes."

His brows furrowed this time. "You have other friends besides Emma?"

"No— well yeah, but it's not that." I replied, shutting his door before he could say anything else.

let's ignore the fact that I managed to call her Kiara throughout five whole chapters. I swear I've been wanting to call her Tiana since I wrote the first chapter and simply forgot when writing the other chapters 😭

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now