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She looked displeased that Jude had left it up to me if she could come or not, trying to hide it behind a smile.

"Thanks, you're a live safer." She looked at Jude, pointing at his knee, "is your knee better now that you didn't play the whole ninety mins?"

"I guess?" he shrugged, wiggling his leg a few times to demonstrate that he felt better, at least he guessed he felt better.

"So that extra session this morning did it's wonders then?" She laughed, and i saw Gio's eyes almost falling out of it's sockets before his hand flew up to cover his mouth to restrain himself from bursting out into laughter.

The way she worded that sounded really... interesting, for sure. I had to roll my lips inwards to hide my smile as well; Gio stepped backwards a few steps before i felt his presence behind me.

"Who's she?" he had leant down, whispering into my ear so that she wouldn't hear. She stood about two meters in front of us though; at least she knew to keep distance.

"Some physiotherapist." I shrugged, looking down as i whispered back to also keep it down.

"You don't like her." He pointed out, a slight smirk on his face when i turned my head to look at him with squinted eyes.

I saw Bree talk to Jude in the corner of my eye, and he was right. She was pissing me off. Just by the way she was talking to me, in comparison to how she talked to Jude i could tell that she wanted me gone.

To have him all to herself, or some other delusional fantasy.

"Yeah...and?" I raised a eyebrow at him, and he chuckled before backing off again. I eyed him as he used his thumbs to point at himself, before holding up two fingers. Me too.

I grinned at him, shaking my head.

"Are we gonna leave or what?" Gio announced loudly, shrugging his shoulder with his arms slightly spread from his sides.

We all nodded, and got into our car a few minutes later to head downtown.

Gio got in the front, his petty ass turning around to point at me with a exaggerated grin to ridicule that fact that i now had to sit next to Bree. Very closely, to be specific. But there was no way i'd let that obsessive mad woman sit next to Jude.

So, i was now stuck between her and Jude for the whole twenty minute ride. My only distraction from the weird tension was searching for a bar on my phone.

Jude's hand was on it's usual spot on my thigh, his thumb drawing circles as he looked outside of his window at the city's lights we drove past.

I didn't even know why Jude told her we'd be going out for dinner... i mean, we did contemplate it, but we didn't get the chance on settling where to go before Bree inserted herself into our night.

"Be sure to pick one where they serve food." She spoke up from next to me, making me almost physically cringe from annoyance. I didn't notice her looking over my shoulder the whole time.

I replied with a brief 'mhm', before stopping at a bar that seemed like a nice place to me. It was not too big or popular, selled mostly drinks - and a few dishes - while still playing music.

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now