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"That's the guest room." I said, swinging open the door to reveal a small, rather simple decorated room. There was a bed in the centre and a dresser across from it, with a mirror hung above. "There's towels and some toiletries in the top drawer."

I sat down on the edge of the bed, watching as Jude scanned his eyes across the room before they stilled on me. He looked a little disappointed, I noticed.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned, making him shake his head.

"Is the room not good enough for you?" I joked teasingly, Jude replying with a sarcastic 'ha ha'.

"What is it, then?"

"It's a little... lonely." He mumbled, his brown eyes gazing into mine intensely.

I smirked to myself at his suggestive tone, biting the inside of my cheek to hide it. I had to admit that he was good at what he was doing.

"That's too bad." I answered with the same energy, tilting my head at him towering above me. "Maybe Luz will come sleep with you?" I got up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night. You know where to find me if you need anything." I whispered, a triumphant smile on my lips before leaving the room after shutting the door behind me to head to my own room; leaving behind a frustrated Jude.

I knocked on the guest room's door, Jude's voice telling me to come in a few seconds later. It was around 10am, and mom just called us down for breakfast.

When I did come in, I was met with his shirtless back facing me as he was redoing the bed after having slept in it. He turned around when he finished tossing the pillows in their place, my eyes involuntarily going down to the exposed upper half of his body, catching a glimpse of the soft outlines of his abs.

I immediately regretted it, eyes quickly finding his face again where his lips had already formed a knowing smirk. He had caught me checking him out again, and I'd never hear the end of it.

He was just about to open his mouth when I extended my arm, holding up my pointer finger to stop him from voicing both of our thoughts and embarrassing me. "Don't even start."

He held up his hands defensively, eyebrows raised but still smiling to himself in amusement of this whole situation.

"Breakfast is ready." I tossed him a fresh shirt of mine, which he caught and eyed curiously but eventually put on. It was a simple white tee.

The three of us, after we had swung by my brother's room, headed downstairs where the rest of the family was already sitting in the dining room.

"Coffee?" I asked Jude discreetly as I poured myself a cup. He was sitting in the seat Emma would usually sit in, between me and Tiago.

He declined with a shake of his head, reaching for the orange juice my brother had used before him instead.

My mom joined us from the kitchen with a pan of scrambled eggs, placing them in the middle of the table and encouraging Jude to take some.

He thanked her politely, his accent audible which made her brows raise in surprise. I decided that hiding his nationality was pointless, so I spoke up.

"He's British."

Jude looked up from his plate and I could already see the questions form in my mom's brain. She looked genuinely delighted.

"How nice!" She exclaimed, her attention switching from me to him. "I've studied in London, it's where I met my husband!" She told him in perfect English, which made him raise his brows as he looked taken aback.

I smiled to myself, taking a bite of my Brötchen* as I was excited to see this conversation unravel because my dad's attention had also been caught by now.

"Where in England do you come from?" she asked, both of her hands holding her coffee cup as she occasionally took a sip.

Jude cleared his throat, briefly looking at me before answering. "Birmingham."

"Has it been long since you left?" She asked, Jude swallowing his bite.

"Uh, no. I think six months now." He explained, making her nod before my father tuned in from his seat across from me.

"And why did you? Leave, I mean." He gestured with his hand to clarify himself.

"For work." Jude stated, my parents looking at him expectedly making him explain himself further. "I play football here."

My fathers brows raised, his interest being fully sparked now. "For Dortmund?"

When Jude nodded, I could see my dad try his best to contain himself. I had to snicker to myself, my hand covering my mouth before I could fully laugh. He was full on fangirling inside, I knew it.

Realisation hit him then, as he stroked his chin trying to decipher where he had seen Jude before.

"Ah, I recognize you now! 22, right?" He exclaimed confidently, smiling at Jude with his finger pointed at him.

"Correct." He confirmed, smiling too because I think he too, found it funny how my dad was acting.

"Tiago, why didn't you bring him over earlier?" He scolded my brother playfully, making me actually laugh this time. Jude turned his head to look at me with a amused grin.

"Sorry dad, I don't know what came over me when I decided to not brag with my friends." Tiago answered, voice laced with sarcasm.

"Smart ass." I muttered under my breath, picking up a piece of Jude's scrambled eggs with my fork since there wasn't any left.

Looking back up, I noticed my mums stare on me from across the table as she had just caught me stealing Jude's food so naturally. She smiled to herself when she saw my reaction.

The pot was definitely steaming now.

*i think this is actually known, but for those who don't know it's a sort of bread that is usually served for breakfast. Like a bread roll, at least that's what the translator says.

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now