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"Are you sure that he's not like, the biggest red flag ever? I mean he dated her." Sera said, tucking her auburn dyed hair behind her ears as she sipped on her coffee.

We-and by we I mean Emma, Sera, Amelie and me- were sitting in a café we had agreed we'd meet in earlier at school. It was Tuesday afternoon, the first day of March.

Emma had just told us of her plans with Finn, the guy we had talked about on the phone the other day. He had broken up with his girlfriend Janine, who neither of us liked because she was toxic as fuck and what topped it was that the whole school fell for her lies.

"Yeah, but I went to elementary school with him, he was pretty okay back then." Amelie argued, the rest of us looking at the brown haired girl with furrowed brows.

"Amelie, that was like ten years ago." I said, giggling at her. She shrugged, sitting back in her seat.

"Anyways, I think you should bring him as a plus one to Tiana's birthday party." She suggested.

"Guys, for the last time, I'm not throwing a birthday party." I complained, making them all groan in annoyance.

"But you're turning eighteen! If you won't, we'll do it for you." Emma stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest. The girls nodded in agreement.

I thought for a moment. It's not that I didn't want to celebrate my eighteenth birthday next week, it's just that I don't want people to trash my house. I'm also shit at organizing things.

"But it's so much work." I sighed. "I wouldn't even know who to invite."

"Well there's us," Sera started counting with her fingers, "there's a few kids from school that I see you talking to sometimes, and there's your friends from your old school."

"Oh, and don't forget Jude." Emma added with a provocative smirk.

"No way, people would recognize him." I said, even though I wish he could be there if I threw a party. But I didn't want to risk being seen with him, I don't think he'd like that. He didn't need any unnecessary controversy regarding his love life when he needed to focus on football.

"And do what? Post some pics? Nah, this isn't Beverly Hills, I don't think anyone would give a shit." Emma argued.

"I don't know, Ems. I'm just gonna ask him and see what he thinks." I explained, a grin spreading on Emma's face.


"Does that mean you're throwing that party?" She inquired, and at this point I didn't see the point of arguing with them anymore so I gave in.

"Fine," I sighed, "but you all have to help me. Because if we're throwing one, it should at least be a good one."

"Deal." Sera agreed. "Are we talking fifty plus?"

"Whatever." I shrugged, and I knew that if something like that existed, I had possibly just signed my houses death certificate.

Thursday, 3rd of March

"A three? That's great!" Jude exclaimed after I had told him about my math exam result. We stood in his kitchen, waiting for the pizza we had just ordered to arrive. I sat on the kitchen island while he leaned on the counter across from me.

"I told you I was good at math." He said proudly with a shrug of his shoulders, making me scoff at him.

"Just kidding. I'm proud of you." He stated, his voice genuine as he took the two steps towards me that divided us. He came to a halt between my legs, his arms pulling me into his chest. My hands instinctively wrapped around his waist as my right cheek was pressed against his shoulder.

I liked when he did that; I liked his scent and the warmth radiating from his body, it always felt like it was jumping over to my own body when he was so close to me. I also liked the feeling of safety he gave me when we hugged.

The doorbell rang, causing Jude to pull back to go answer the door. I hopped off the counter, walking around it to sit onto one of the wooden barstools as he came back with two pizza cartons in his hands.

"Oh, I forgot to ask." I started, him signaling me to go on by nodding. "Are you free next Friday? The 11th."

"Yeah, I should be. Why?" He took a bite of his pizza, waiting for me to go on.

"I'm throwing a party at my house." I said, "The 12th is my birthday and my friends forced me to celebrate."

"Your birthday?" He clarified and I nodded. "Yeah, of course I'm gonna be there."

I looked up from my pizza box, a little shocked that he actually agreed on coming. "Really? You don't care that the house is most likely going to be filled to the brim?"

"No, the more the better. People are less likely to pay attention to everyone around them, then." He explained, which actually made sense.

"You're right." I agreed, finishing my first piece.

"And I wasn't going to miss your eighteenth birthday either way." He added, making me smile.

We finished the food and then moved to the couch, where he put on Scrubs. I had once briefly mentioned it was my favorite show, but Jude was the person to remember the smallest details about someone.

"Are you cold?" He suddenly asked, gently rubbing along my arm. I was only wearing a white longsleeve top, which indeed caused me to be a little cold.

"A little." I replied, giving him a tight lipped smile but he wasn't having it.

"Come here." He raised his arm slightly, making space for me next to him. I crawled under his extended arm, laying my head on his chest as I slung my own arm across his stomach. I was immediately greeted by the familiar warmth that made me close my eyes in comfort.

I think I fell asleep after that, because when I opened them again, it was dark outside and there was another episode playing on the tv.

I took a deep breath as i tried adjusting to my surroundings, looking up confusedly to see Jude smiling down at me.

"What?" I asked quietly before yawning to myself.

"Nothing." He muttered shortly, looking back up at the tv to hide the smile that I had been able to catch a glimpse of.

Double update bc I feel nice today ;)
Also, as you have probably noticed, I added some new characters but I didn't pick any faceclaims for them so I'm gonna leave that to your imagination

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now