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The party was in full swing by now, if I'd have to guess I'd say that there were about a hundred and fifty people occupying my house and backyard. I couldn't say I was surprised though, I had expected something like this to happen.

It was around half past ten now, so it was still pretty civilized as no one was that drunk yet. I sat in the couch, Amelie leaning onto my shoulder as she sat on the arm rest. You couldn't even see the other end of the living room, it was that crowded. Combined with the lack of light, the only sources being the occasional flashes from the party lights, it was really dim.

Every other minute people came up to me to me with yet another bottle of liquor in their hands just as Sera had predicted. I always just told them to put them into the kitchen, and then they were gone as fast as they had came.

The music was deafening, which was just what I had wanted, but I prayed that my neighbors wouldn't call the cops on us.

Taking a sip of my raspberry vodka, I felt as Amelie nudged my shoulder. When I looked up at her, she had a big grin on her face as she was looking at something.

Following her gaze, my eyes landed on Emma sitting next to Finn on the other end of the couch; grinning widely as he leaned in to whisper something into her ear.

"No way." I gasped, retrieving my phone from the coffee table that was packed with cups and empty bottles. I snapped a picture of them, this had to be immortalized.

"She's snatching her man!" Amelie whisper yelled into my ear, sounding just as proud of her as I was.

"As she should." I shrugged, mimicking her grin as I was so happy for her.

When I went to take another sip from my drink, I noticed with a frown that it was empty. After dancing and taking pictures with people for the last hour, I was still very thirsty.

I mean, water would probably be smart, but if someone were to see me drinking water at my own birthday party I'd never hear the end of it.

"Imma go get a refill, you coming?" I asked Amelie, getting up from my seat.

She shook her head, holding up her still full cup.
"But can you maybe bring me a piece of pizza?"

I nodded and started making my way through the crowd, occasionally stopping for a minute to talk to someone. When I finally reached the kitchen I had to stop myself from gasping.

It was a absolute mess, bottles and cups being scattered everywhere. Some of them hadn't even been empty, hence the small puddles of liquor or beer on the counter.

I quickly recollected myself; it wasn't that bad, could've been worse. I knew that the party wasn't over yet and wouldn't be for the next five hours at least, but at least nothing had broken yet. I can always clean— but repairing would be difficult.

I quickly reached for a tequila bottle to bring my mind off things, taking a shot without any salt or lemon. My face twisted in disgust, causing me to reach for the bottle of 43er. I poured about three fingers wide into my cup, adding some mango and orange juice to create my favorite mixture.

"Tequila isn't your thing?" A male voice asked next to me, making me whip my head around to come to face with Kelce, a guy from my art class as far as I could recall.

His eyes wandered down my body before looking up at me again.

"Depends. I like it when I do the whole routine." I answered, giving him a tight lipped smile.

"The whole routine?" He repeated, making me nod as I took a sip of my drink. He nodded too, eyes glued to the floor as he looked like he was thinking about what to say next.

"Are you into body shots?" He then questions, a suggestive smirk on his lips.

My eyes widened at the question, I definitely didn't expect that. I felt my cheeks heat up, but not because I was flustered but because I was uncomfortable.

I hadn't minded him checking me out, because let's be honest, I did look pretty good and I enjoyed it when I saw people think the same. But that's where I drew the line. You can stare, but this was just being disrespectful.

At least that's how I saw it. Maybe I was overreacting, but that didn't change the fact that I was uncomfortable.

"Uh," I started, but was clearly at loss for words. "I've never tried."

His eyes lit up, a spark in them that I couldn't interpret. "You wanna try it now?"

"No, thanks Kelce." I declined, sounding as polite as possible as I gave him another forced smile. I really had nothing against this guy, I just wanted to get back to my seat.

"Why not?" He raised a brow, "come on, don't be boring. It's your birthday, isn't that the best day to try new things?"

My face scrunched up in disgust now. I wasn't stupid, he was guilt trapping me.

"That bullshit doesn't work on me," I said, "and it's not my birthday yet." I added with a scoff before turning around to leave the kitchen.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw him still staring at me before he dropped his head, laughing to himself.

I honestly couldn't wait for Jude to get here.

so nice to see that y'all are enjoying these😭 I know this chapter was really short but I'll try to make them longer, it's just that it's kinda easier for me to create time jumps by just starting a new chapter.

Teenage Fever // Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now