Chapter 2

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Mallory Meets Josh

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Mallory Meets Josh

         I knew dating a co-worker was a bad idea, but he was so . . . persistent. And nice. And funny. And not too hard to look at. It was for the last reason I was cautious not to jump into anything with him too quickly. It was well known that he was the office hottie and a giant flirt. So, when he started to greet me with 'Hello, Beautiful,' I shrugged it off with a shy wave and kept on moving. He called all the girls one pet name or another, beautiful, gorgeous, sweet-heart. And for the most part, it got him the attention he was looking for.

After a while of my less than enthusiastic responses, he became more forward in his approach. I started to find him in the lounge whenever I took my usual breaks. Most everyone else at work chose to walk to one of the nearby restaurants or deli's for lunch, whereas I preferred a quiet homemade sack lunch in the lounge. The first time I found him sitting at the small table, I grabbed my lunch from the refrigerator and turned to quickly beeline it back to my crammed cubicle.

"Hey, wait!" He called after me. I paused in the doorway and looked back at him nervously. "Don't you usually eat here?" He asks.

"Um, yeah, but it's fine. I can go eat at my desk." I turn to go do just that, but he continues the conversation.

"Why? There's more than one chair here. Stay and keep me company, why don't you?"

I glance longingly in the direction of my desk and solitude.

"I have a lot of work to catch up on, so it's probably best for me to eat there anyway."

"Have I done something to offend you?" he asks sincerely.

"No . . . like I said, I just have a lot to do."

"You know studies have proven that you work better after taking time to refuel and rest."

He does make a valid point. I definitely needed a mental break from the Sci-Fi story I was editing. I just couldn't get into it and would catch myself skimming through it instead of meticulously looking for errors. I nod in consent and take the seat opposite of the one he is sitting in. What will one lunch together hurt? I quietly pull out my turkey and swiss sandwich, chips, bottled water, and, of course, a big, juicy Kosher Dill pickle.

"Are you always so quiet?" he asks with a teasing smile.

"Um, typically, I guess," I answer with a blush and then take a big bite of my sandwich in hopes of preventing further discussion. He continues to smile and watch me eat since his microwaveable meal is all gone beyond a few stray peas. It's disconcerting, to say the least, and I find myself looking anywhere else than at him.

"You're shy, too." He proceeds to state the obvious.

"Or, maybe, I'm just hungry." I answer with a mouth full and a shrug of my shoulders, which makes him laugh.

"Well, you don't talk to me even when it isn't lunch break," he challenges.

I swallow my food before responding.

"Oh, well, I don't mean to be rude or anything." I glance down at my pickle. I SO want to eat it, but I feel it would be awkward to do so in front of him. I take a drink of water instead.

"I'm just glad you don't hate me or something."

"Hate you? I don't hate you." I don't TRUST you is what I think quietly to myself.

Just then, Janine walks into the lounge with her long legs and long brown hair. She looks fabulous as usual.

"Josh! There you are. We missed you for lunch today." She pouts prettily at him.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I just had some important things to discuss with Mallory is all." He winks at me as he says it.

Janine looks at me, surprised, and I just give her one of my shy smiles.

"Oh, okay. Will you come tomorrow?" She asks him.

"I don't think so. We still have a lot to discuss." He gestures toward me with his hand as he says it. She shrugs and states,

"Well, I'll see you later then." She leaves the lounge looking a little deflated by his rejection. I suddenly jump up to gather my trash, and I'm slightly irritated at having to waste a perfectly good pickle.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Break is almost over," I say, pointing to the clock.

"We've still got almost ten minutes or so," he argues.

"Well, I really need to pee." I immediately blush and look away. I SO could have phrased that better. He chuckles as he stands to throw out his tray.

"So, until tomorrow then?" he questions with lifted eyebrows.

I nod and give a quick smile before turning to half run, half walk down the hall to the nearest bathroom. It isn't until I'm washing my hands that it dawns on me that I had just consented to eating lunch with him, AGAIN. I groan at my reflection in the mirror. So much for having a peaceful, quiet lunch break.

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