Chapter 36

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I awake in a cold sweat, and my heart is pounding from the vivid nightmare. I was running in some dark woods with someone chasing me. The panic feels so real. I keep looking behind me and see nothing but instinctively know that he's there coming for me. I zig-zag through the brush, tripping occasionally. I scramble back up from my hands and knees after yet another fall, not caring that my hands are cut and bleeding. My only thought is that I must get away.  My life depends on it. I start to see a clearing in the trees and a faint light that I race towards. I'm so close, almost there. Panting and grabbing at my side that has a sharp pain, I force myself to keep pushing onward. I glance over my shoulder and continue to not see anyone. Relieved, I face forward only to slam into a figure that steps out of the shadows in front of me. He grips my shoulders, holding me prisoner.

"Gotcha," he states darkly.

I look up into the eyes of Josh and his sinister smile that is slowly spreading across his face.

That is when I bolt upright in bed, trembling with fear. It takes me a second to realize that I'm safe in my room. I take a few deep breaths. My throat feels so very dry and scratchy, so I climb out of bed to go get a glass of water. Everything is dark beyond a green glow from the clock on the microwave that displays 2 A.M. Not wanting to wake Dane, I quietly grab a glass and fill it with tap water in the dark. While I'm gulping it down, a loud snore breaks the silence. I jump and almost choke on my drink. I grin at how silly it is to be startled by a snore, but also by the fact that Dane snores like a lumber jack.

Curious, I creep into the living room. I see him sprawled across my couch in what looks to be in a very uncomfortable position. His feet hang over one armrest while his head is crooked at an old angle on the other one. The moonlight that is seeping through the crack between my curtains spills over him. I'm mesmerized for a moment at his beauty. His face relaxed in slumber softens him even with his dark tattoos visible on his bare chest. He looks younger with his black hair spilling over his forehead. My fingers itch to touch him, but I won't risk waking him.

Suddenly, another loud snore erupts, but it doesn't come from Dane. To my amusement, it is Bull who is making all the racket from his position on the floor. Before I can stop it, a giggle escapes me that  startles Bull, who then immediately begins barking at me.

"Mallory?" A very groggy Dane sits up. "Is everything okay? Bull! Hush!"

Bull quickly obeys but continues to eye me warily.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"What are you doing up?" He glances at his phone to see the time.

"I . . . I had a bad dream," I answer lamely, realizing how juvenile that sounds.

"Was it about him?"

I nod in affirmation. "I just needed some water and thought to come check in on you."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and pats the space beside him.

Sleepy Dane is irresistible, and beyond my better judgment, I sit down next to him. There wasn't much space between him and the armrest, so I'm pretty much snuggled up under his arm that is draped across the back of the couch.  The warmth from his body seeps into my side and is very comforting. How I wish I could curl up against him, but instead, I wrap my arms around my bent knees that I have drawn up to my chest.

"He was chasing me," I say, staring out into the dark room. "It seemed so real, and when he caught me, I woke up in a panic."

Dane's hand rubs my shoulder gently in a comforting way.

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