Chapter 21

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I didn't feel like a night out with the boys or a night in with Natasha. I just wanted to mindlessly surf the T.V. and nurse a beer or two. But after almost two hours of that, I became restless. I glance at the clock, and I'm shocked to realize it's only 8 P.M. I look out my window and notice Mallory has yet to return from her date. An evil smirk slowly etches across my face as I reach for my phone. What the hell? I'm bored, and I'd bet she's bored already with Dr. Dolittle, so I shoot her a text referencing our serial killer debate. My smile broadens when she responds in less than a minute. Her supposed threat has me laughing out loud. I reply with,

(Dane)    Just being neighborly

I add the angel emoji since she's so fond of using them. I wait anxiously for her response, but nothing ever comes. Maybe she isn't as bored as I had figured. I immediately squash the image of Jonathan, the horse whisperer, living out his guy fantasy with her. She said she's not like that, at least not on date number one. Bull ambles over to rest his head on my knee. I give him a good scratch behind the ears, but he whines when I stop. I know what he wants. He wants to go outside. With nothing better to do, I decided to take him for a walk around the block. His fat butt can't handle much more than that. He quivers in excitement when he sees me grab his leash.

"I know. I don't do this enough. Do I, buddy?"

He barks sharply in agreement. We walk slowly around the block, letting Bull sniff or mark his territory somewhere every five seconds. The night is pleasant with a gentle breeze, and the stars are all out shining. I love being outside and wish I had more time to do it, but holding down two jobs makes it pretty hard. This great big world is pretty amazing. Sometimes, I can get lost in thoughts of how it all came to be; the whole Creator versus Creation debate. I've never officially taken a side, but when my mother died, the appeal of her living in a paradise that I might could possibly go to and see her again does have its drawl. With one last look up at the night sky, I tug on Bull's leash to finish the last few yards towards our house.

When we make it back from walking around the block, I see Mallory's car is now in her carport. Hot date over by 9 P.M. I smirk. Once inside, Bull immediately plops in his dog bed content but is exhausted. I picked up my cell that I had left behind, and I saw she did send a response just a few minutes ago.

(Mallory)      That's really TOO kind of you, but thanks for your concern. I made it home in one                                 piece. 

I'm blaming it on boredom, but I can't help but reply.

(Dane)           Glad to hear it. You know, that he didn't get a piece.

(Mallory)      Real mature

(Dane)           Will there be a date #2?

(Mallory)      Most likely

(Dane)           Well, well, well. Johnny has skills?

(Mallory)      Wouldn't you like to know

(Dane)          Not really

(Mallory)      Then why are you asking?

(Dane)          Bored

(Mallory)      Call Natasha then

(Dane)          No thanks

(Mallory)      Should I be flattered?

(Dane)         Maybe

(Mallory)     Ha, Ha. Goodnight. I got to take a shower.

Several responses pop up in my mind from pervy to polite, but I end up texting:

(Dane)        Don't forget to lock your doors

The simple heart emoji she sends in return makes me smile.

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