Chapter 43

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I'm cuddled up on the couch with Mallory, who is sound asleep against my chest. We're at my house tonight. There was a UFC match that I wanted to watch, and I have a bigger TV. She wanted to spend time with me even though I knew she didn't enjoy watching guys beat each other to a bloody pulp. It wasn't too long into the fight when I felt the change in her breathing and knew she had fallen asleep. I find I'm watching her more than the match. This isn't the first time I've watched her in peaceful slumber. It brings a warm, protective feeling in my chest that has become addictive. I want her near me all the time, which is new to me. Before her, I needed my space. I preferred coming home after work to zone out, having nothing and no one to answer to. Bull kept me from feeling alone, and whenever the need for female companionship arose, it wasn't hard to find. I'm amazed at how much has changed in just a matter of weeks. How much she is changing me. Looking down at her, I can't help but think it is for the better. My phone vibrates loudly on the coffee table in front of us. I reach for it, trying not to disturb Mallory. It's a message from Natasha. Great.

Natasha: I miss you

Dane: Don't

Natasha: You didn't mean it was really over. I can give you a break and let you get her out of your system

Dane: It's not like that

Natasha: She won't satisfy you. Remember New Year's Eve . . .

Uncontrollably, images of that wild night with Natasha flash in my mind, and I smile. She knows how to have fun, that's for sure. She's always had a penchant for public places or trying things that were a little taboo. It was what kept me interested in her for so long. She constantly surprised me and usually pleasantly so. But she was also exhausting, always requiring my undivided attention. I could only handle her in small doses, and that was why we were always on again, off again.

Natasha: Are you really able to give me up?

I hate to admit that I do have my doubts. Being with Mallory is a different kind of incredible, one that I've never experienced before, so I don't know what our future holds. But then again, who knows the future? Mallory stirs, and I quickly delete the text conversation and turn off my phone.

"Is everything okay?" She questions with a sleepy yawn.

"Yeah, just Mark being annoying." I hate that I'm lying to her, but Natasha is not a subject we can discuss without fighting, and I don't want to fight.

"Is it over?" She asks, and it takes me a heart pounding second to realize she means the UFC match and not Natasha.

I glance at the TV as the official is holding up the arm of one of the opponents in victory.

"Appears so," I answer.

"Did the one you want win the fight?"

I look into her sweet face and give an answer that has a deeper meaning than she will comprehend.

"Yeah, tonight they did."


A few days later, after ignoring the occasional message and then having to block Natasha from being able to text me anymore, she strolls into the gym. Every eye falls on her due to the skimpy, tight exercise outfit she has on. Natasha could side-line as a lingerie model for Victoria's Secret. She's definitely had work done on her breasts, but it was done in good taste, very natural looking, but giving her that perfect slim yet curvy in all the right places figure. She was blessed with a naturally beautiful face that required little to no make-up and stunning blue eyes that contrast nicely with her dark brown hair. The difference between her and Mallory is that Natasha knows she's gorgeous and will use it to her advantage.

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