Chapter 32

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When Liv returns, Mallory is not with her. It's really unfortunate that Natasha has to be here the night that I bring Mallory. Natasha and I have a history that repeats itself often enough that I couldn't be rude to her. I plan to let her know that tonight is not a good night, and we'll have to 'catch-up' another time, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to let her hang out with us for a bit. Obviously, that was a mistake since she's managed to run Mallory off in less than ten minutes and piss off Liv even faster. Not that THAT is too surprising. Liv has never liked Natasha and has told me on more than one occasion that I'm wasting my time. But the way I see it, it is my time to waste, and she's a pretty fun way to do it.

"Where's Mallory?" I ask Liv as she is sitting back down with a noticeable smirk on her face.

"You'll never believe who she ran into. It's such a small world, or maybe it's just because it is a small town."

"Who could she run into? She doesn't know anyone except . . . the guy she's dated." I see that I've concluded correctly when Liv nods enthusiastically.

"She was just telling me she wished he would call. How crazy is it that he appears a few minutes later? Providence, right? So, I told her to take her time visiting with him." Liv leans up against Mark, smiling up at him. He returns a curious smile back at her.

"Well, she's supposed to be hanging out with us," I counter back at Liv, not liking this turn of events whatsoever.

"Awe, is Dane jealous?" Mark says and makes a dumb face.

"Why would he be jealous when he has me?" Natasha coos, making Liv roll her eyes.

"Exactly," I say and wink at her.

After fifteen minutes of uncomfortable conversation due to the tangible hostility between Liv and Natasha, I decided Mallory has had enough time to say hi to vet boy. 

"I'm going to go check in on Mallory, " I say and lift Natasha off my lap to stand up.

"Why? She's a big girl," Natasha whines.

"Because she's supposed to be with us."

"I'll come with you then," she states, reaching for my hand.

"No." I remove my hand from hers, "You'll stay here."

She huffs but sits back down. I turn to Liv and Mark.

"I'll be right back," I tell them, and Mark salutes me with his beer.

I head in the direction of the bar. It has become pretty crowded, and it takes me a minute to spot her. When I do, she's leaned back against the bar laughing, and she doesn't just have the attention of one guy, but three. I push down the irritation that is building in my chest and make my way over to them.


She jumps when I call her name but spots me immediately standing to the side of her little audience. 

"Oh, hey! Look who I found." She smiles and places a hand on Jonathan's shoulder.

"Yeah, I heard. Are you not planning on coming back to our table?"

She looks uncomfortably at Jonathan and then back to me.

"Of course . . . I just . . . I didn't think you'd mind that I was gone."

Jonathan stands up from the stool he was sitting on and feeling braver with his boys around, I'm sure, decides to make a comment.

"We were just talking."

"I can see that, but now I need to talk to her, alone. Come on." I grab her hand to pull her away, but Jonathan can't seem to keep his mouth shut.

"You don't have to go with him," he tells Mallory.

I clinch my jaw as he is really starting to get on my fucking nerves. She looks back at him and smiles softly.

"I'm sure it will only take a minute."

She follows me through the crowd, and I lead her outside the bar where it is much quieter.

"What was that all about? Why are you mad?" She instantly questions.

"Why am I mad?! I invited you to hang out with me and my friends, but instead you choose to spend time with him!" I gesture back towards the inside of the bar.

"I didn't plan on running into him, Dane. I just wanted to say hi and meet some of his friends. I was going to come back."

"Well, you've been gone for a good while, and it didn't look like you were about to leave when I walked up. I didn't peg you to be so rude. How do you think my friends feel?"

She's taken aback for a moment, opening and closing her mouth trying to figure out how to respond, but I then see anger churning in her green eyes.

"I'M RUDE?! Liv ENCOURAGED me to take the time to visit with him. SHE knew how uncomfortable I was at a table of couples. YOU'RE the insensitive one!"

She goes to push past me, but I put up my arm, hand against the brick wall, to block her. She looks up at me surprised.

"It's him or me. Who do you want to be with tonight?" I lean forward, yearning to know her answer. Our faces are close, and her eyes scan over mine before she replies softly.

"I didn't think you were an option anymore . . ."

"Do you want me to be?" I say just as quietly, holding my breath in suspense of her answer. Her eyes lift to mine.


My hands gently grasp her lower head and neck. I tilt her face up to mine, and I kiss her. Firm, yet tender. Slow, but demanding. She matches me perfectly, desire and frustration hungrily consuming us. Her hands slid their way up my chest to encircle my neck, pressing her body firmly against mine. I can't seem to get enough, I want her closer still, so I press her up against the wall. I'm lost in this surprising sensation, and the little soft sounds she is making confirm to me that she feels the same.

The jingle of the bells on the door has us jumping apart. It's just a drunk stumbling out, and he pays us no attention whatsoever, but the moment is broken. Mallory's face is crimson, and she has suddenly found her shoes mesmerizing. 

"Come on," I say quietly, grabbing her hand. "We need to get back."

And I need time to figure out what the hell that was all about . . . 

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