Chapter 20

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I'm sifting through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear on my date with Jonathan. Dane's comment on how I look like a librarian echoes in my mind, having me reject outfit after outfit. I settle on a summer dress that is yellow with little blue flowers printed all over. It's billowy with the skirt stopping a few inches above my knee. I spritz on my perfume, slip on my sandles, and lastly, place a simple sapphire pendant necklace that hangs in the deep V neckline of the dress. My hair falls in soft waves past my shoulders.

"Librarian, my butt, " I say to my reflection in the mirror.

I'm locking my door when Dane appears from his garage, wiping his grease stained hands on a towel.

"So, tonight's the night?" he questions with a smirk.

"Uh, yeah. It is."

"He's not picking you up?"

"I figured it was best to meet him there instead. "

"That's smart," Dane states, stopping in front of me. He doesn't hide the fact that he's checking me out as his eyes travel up and down my body. "You look nice. Very non-librarian," he teases with a one-sided grin.

"Hopefully, that won't disappoint, " I reply with a shy smile.

"I wouldn't worry about that, but what if he disappoints? Do you have a backup plan?"

"No, what do you mean?"

"Someone you can call to save you from bad date hell. A girlfriend or sister who has a so-called emergency that you have to leave abruptly for. "

I huff out a laugh.

"Absolutely not. I think I can handle a date with Jonathan just fine without a bailout. Besides, you are the only person I know that isn't three hours away. "

I'm sliding into my car when what he says next stops me.

"Let me give you my number then."

"Wh . . . What?"

He leans against my car like what he is asking is the most natural thing in the world.

"Hand me your phone. " He holds his hand out towards me.


"So I can put my number in your contacts that way, if things go south, you can shoot me a text. "

"And you'll come save me?" I ask incredulously.

He shrugs.

"If I need to, or just be that emergency that gives you a reason to leave. "

I find myself handing him my phone as I say, "Jonathan is not a serial killer, you know. "

"Says everyone who ever knew a serial killer before they got caught. "

He hands me back my phone. I glance down to see Dane Stark listed as a new contact. He even went so far as to star it as a favorite.

"Text me something now so I can save your number once I get back over to my phone, " he commands.

I sigh and roll my eyes as I send the poop emoji to him.

"There. Can I go now, Dad?"

"You'll thank me later, I bet. "

I shake my head at his cockiness and get behind the wheel. He watches me back down the driveway, and I give a little wave before accelerating down the street. That was . . . strange, but a part of me tingles at the fact that he cares enough to want to protect me. The ironic part is it is him I'm the most scared of.

* * * * *

I pull into the restaurant parking lot and see that Jonathan is already waiting for me by the entrance. He looks very nice in khaki pants and a polo shirt that matches the blue of his eyes. Eyes that looked at me appreciatively as I walked up to meet him.

"Hi," I greet him shyly, tucking my hair behind one ear.

"Wow, you look great. "

"Thanks," I reply, "so do you."

"Shall we?" He opens the door for me, and we begin what turns out to be a very pleasant first date. Jonathan had me laughing over dessert, telling funny college mishaps when my phone pinged. I pull it out of my purse and was surprised to see Dane's name flash in the notification bar. I open the message and can't help the giggle that escapes as I read his text.

(Dane) Are you still alive?

I tap out a quick reply.

(Mallory) Yes, but you might not be for long

I add an angry emoji for emphasis. I glance up to see Jonathan looking at me with polite confusion.

"Sorry, I'm being rude. " I toss my cell back into my purse, and it immediately pings again. I paste on a tight smile, ignoring the desire to see what Dane was texting me now.

"You need to answer that?" Jonathan asks, glancing towards my purse.

"No. I do not, but I do need you to tell me how you found a replacement carcus for the toad you lost the night before you were supposed to dissect it. "

His smile returns as he leans forward to continue the hilarious tale. A short time later, he walked me to my car.

"I had a really good time tonight, " he states with an easy smile.

"Me, too," I respond and mean it. There's an awkward pause before he asks,

"May I call you later?"

"I'd love for you to."

"Alright, until later then. "

"Goodnight. " I climb into my car and give him a quick wave before I pull away with a smile on my face that matches his.

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