Chapter 39

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I wake up to sunlight streaming through the blinds on her windows. I glance down and smile at the still sleeping Mallory, who is tangled around me. A feeling of contentment warms through my chest. I've never felt it before, not with any other woman that I've had the pleasure of being with like this. Well, not even like this. I always have them stay over at my place, preferring the ease of being home when I wake up and politely having them leave whenever I feel ready for them to. But here in her arms, I feel like I am at home. It sinks in then as to what this means, what I have agreed to. I'm in a committed relationship now. For a split second, I do feel panic trying to rise up, but just looking at her sleeping peacefully against me pushes all doubt from my mind. I want her and not just for one night. Somehow, she had managed to ingrain herself where I was physically missing her last week. Whenever I got a text or call, a part of me was hoping it was her. I missed teasing her and the little funny faces she made when I did so. Whenever I missed female companionship in the past, it wasn't for THAT reason, I think with a smirk.

"What have you done to me?" I whisper and brush her hair back from her face. She starts to stir and slowly opens her eyes. She immediately smiles when she sees me.

"Good morning," she states in a groggy voice. I kiss her softly on the lips.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Starving, actually."

"Good. Me too. Why don't we get ready and go out to breakfast? Then I'll swing by the gym, and you can bring your car back."

"Sounds good to me," she smiles. "Will we be taking your bike or your TRUCK?" She gives me a pointed look, and I laugh.

"You'll never forgive me for that, will you?"

"That is to be determined." She squints her eyes at me, making me smile even more.


I go home to shower and take care of Bull. About an hour later, Mallory is knocking on my door. There's a dampness still lingering in the air, so I decided to officially introduce her to my 1995 Ford F150. It's been a project truck of mine for a few years now. I've slowly worked on it in my spare time, getting the motor in good working condition first before customizing the interior. It could use a new paint job, but there are rust spots that I still need to repair before that can happen, not to mention the money I still need to come up with. When I open the garage, Mallory smiles in surprise.

"You drive a classic truck?"

"Occasionally, but I prefer my bike."

"Yes, I'm well aware," she teases.

After showing off the repairs I've done and telling her my plans of what I've yet to do to the truck, we load up and go into town for breakfast. I let her choose where, and we ended up at The Cracker Barrel. She tells me how she loves the old-timey decor and all the cute stuff they have in the shop, which she forces me to browse with her for thirty minutes after we are done eating. She finds a coffee mug with an English Bulldog on it and a saying, 'The Bull Stops Here.' When she can't talk me into purchasing it on the sheer fact that I own that breed of dog and should have memorabilia announcing it, she takes it upon herself to buy the stupid thing. Smugly, she turns, handing me the bag.

"A gift for you."

I take it from her and say deadpan, "You really shouldn't have."

"Wait!" She grabs it back and digs down into the sack, grabbing the receipt. She quickly crumbles and tosses it into a nearby trashcan. "There. Now you can't return it." She smiles triumphantly and hands me back my 'gift.'

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