Chapter 40

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I woke the next morning with a smile on my face. The last few days feel like they were a dream. I stretch, and the soreness tells me that it was very much real. I reached for my phone feeling a little disappointed that there wasn't a message from Dane. A 'I miss you' or 'I can't wait to see you' would have been nice, but we've literally barely been a couple for more than twenty-four hours now. I need to tone down the crazy some. It's just . . . he's just . . . incredible, I sigh contentedly. My heart picks up speed just thinking about him. I drag myself out of bed to quit daydreaming and jump into the shower.

An hour and a half later, I'm walking into the library. I can't help my big goofy grin when I see Jalisha.

"Tell me! I see you've got something to say, and it's going to be good." Jalisha runs over to me, causing me to laugh.

"Where do I start? My ex showing up? Dane staying the entire weekend with me? Or the fact that I officially have a boyfriend now?"

Her eyes get as big as saucers. "The beginning! Start at the beginning, and don't leave out a single detail!"

So, I do. I tell her everything, and I find myself just as amazed as her at how quickly things have changed.

"Have you told Jonathan that you're off the market?"

And my euphoria bubble pops. Jonathan. I haven't even thought about him and how I was supposed to get back to him about another date sometime soon. Boy, that will be an awkward conversation after just denying interest in my neighbor to now being his girlfriend.

"You know you have to, right?" Jalisha squeezes my arm in a supportive way.

"Yeah, you're right, and I will, maybe later today." I take a deep breath. "Well, we better get to work."

We go about our usual duties, and the day flies by with my head full of thoughts. Thoughts of what I should say to Jonathan, thoughts about Josh, but mostly thoughts about Dane. Like, why hasn't he messaged me? I even sent him a quick 'How's your day going?' just to let him know that I was thinking of him, but still he hasn't sent me anything in return. All my insecurities go into overdrive. Maybe he's changed his mind? Maybe he got what he wanted from me and is now ready to move on to the next girl. As the day wears on, my mood evolves into the opposite of what I came in with. Jalisha noticed and asked me what was wrong, but I gave her the lame excuse of a headache and then closeted myself away in my office.

Finally, the work day comes to an end. Jalisha has vowed not to ever leave before me again after what happened last Friday with Josh. I'm turned locking the library doors when I hear her say,

"Oh, my . . ."

I turn to see what has elicited that kind of reaction, and I see Dane leaning against his motorcycle in a tight white tank, low hanging jeans, and sunglasses. His arms are crossed over his chest, exposing his delicious biceps. The slow one-sided smirk he gives has my stomach doing flip-flops.

"Is that HIM?" Jalisha turns toward me with wide eyes.

I have to lick my suddenly dry lips before answering her. "Um, yeah, that's Dane." I drag my eyes from him, looking at her with a nervous grin.

"Girl! Holy hell! I know you said he was good looking, but . . . damn!"

I start to laugh. "Come on, let me introduce you."

"Hey," I say softly to Dane once I'm standing in front of him.

"Hey," he answers, seeming amused at my awkwardness.

"Um, this is my friend and co-worker, Jalisha. And Jalisha, this is Dane, my neighbor and . . ."

"Boyfriend," he interjects at my pause, "It's nice to meet you."

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