Chapter 10

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I drive home on Monday afternoon, having officially completed my first day on the new job, and I love it. It's so peaceful there. I enjoyed helping people find what they were looking for and suggesting other authors of the same or similar genres. The children's program is phenomenal. There seems to always be something fun going on. I absolutely love kids and how story-time lights up their little faces. Their creativity and imagination fuels me. I already know that will be the highlight of my day. Another bonus? No Josh lurking in a hallway. I felt as if I could finally breathe again. I didn't realize the anxiety that I carried around with me at my old job. I was always afraid he'd try to speak to me again. I was more afraid that I would fall for whatever lies he'd tell. When I occasionally caught him staring at me, his expression at times would give me chills. It was a mix of want and regret, but laced with a thin line of anger as well. So, to finally not have to worry about running into him was so freeing.

I pull into my carport, and I can't help but glance toward Dane's house to see if he is home, but the motorcycle isn't in the driveway. We didn't speak to each other the rest of the weekend. I was so busy with the house, but my hard work paid off because I was completely done by Sunday night. I did catch glimpses of him, though. Like when he was mowing his yard shirtless, or coming back from a run, also shirtless. I was beginning to wonder if he owned any clothing for the top half of his body. Not that I am complaining . . . . . but after my last experience, I learned that the hot bad boys are not worth the heartache. I'll just admire them from afar. Mr. Pickles is all the man I need. And just like a man, I came home to him complaining that he was hungry.

"I know, I know. Just a second, Geez!"

I open a can of cat food and plop it out onto a plate. I then make a quick dinner for me as well. Once the dinner dishes were rinsed and put in the dishwasher, I decided a nice long bubble bath was just what I needed to top off a perfect day. I turned on the hot water to fill the tub and poured a generous amount of lavender bath salts and soap. I then go to my closet, pulling out cozy PJs and setting out tomorrow's outfit for work. After undressing, I pull my hair up into a messy bun and take a step into the tub. I jumped back, shocked at the cold water. I double-checked to make sure that I turned the right faucet on, which I did. Then, thinking that maybe it was labeled wrong, I try turning on the cold to see if it eventually heats up, but nothing changes the temperature. Great. Fourth day of being a home owner, and I am already having issues. In moments like this, it was nice living in an apartment that I could just call a manager to come fix stuff. Ugh, what do I do now? It is then that I hear the roar of a motorcycle next door. I reach to grab my hot pink bath robe, but think better of it and just put back on the clothes I wore to work. He might be comfortable being half naked in front of others, but I am not.

"Dane!" I yell, rushing out my side door as I see him taking a step over his threshold.

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