Chapter 25

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Jonathan walked me to my door after our second very pleasant date out. We had dinner and a movie. He was thoughtful enough to suggest a film that wasn't all blood and guts, and I was considerate not to force a chick flick on him. We settled for an action/adventure that had a splash of romance to fit both of our tastes. We are checking all of the great couple boxes so far, I think with a smile. After a week of texting back and forth and two phone conversations, I decided he could pick me up for our second date, but there is always the slightly awkward drop-off. Do I ask him inside? Will he think that means more than I'm ready for? Will he kiss me?

'Do you want him to kiss you?' Jalisha's question pops in my mind. Yes. I answer silently to myself. I do want to kiss him. With that decision made, I turn to face him when we reach my doorstep.

"Thank you for another great night out," I say shyly, looking up into his blue eyes.

"Again, the pleasure has been all mine," he answers smoothly, smiling down at me.

I bite my lip nervously in knowing what I want to happen, but I'm not brave enough to make the first move. Jalisha would be so disappointed. Why am I thinking about Jalisha? I need to focus and say something sexy. The silence is getting awkward, but what can I say? 'Come here, big boy and lay one on me,' I don't think so. Then I sense it, that barely noticeable lean towards me that he makes. I answer with a slight lift up onto my tip toes. He smiles. I smile. He glances down at my lips before leaning down to brush his softly against mine. I close my eyes and rest my hands lightly against his chest to balance.

I'm waiting for the spark. Should I open my mouth? Get this fizzle ignited a little better? But he's not opening his yet, and forcing my tongue down his throat doesn't seem like the right move at the moment. Ugh! Josh was such a good kisser. He was always in control, and I just rode on the wave of passion he provided. Great. Now I'm thinking about JOSH?

At that moment, the roar of an engine startles us apart. We both look over to see Dane parking his motorcycle. He has a devilish grin as he removes his helmet while staring at me.

"Great," I mumble, and Jonathan looks down at me.

"Who is that?" he questions, looking a little concerned.

"Just my neighbor," I answer and watch Dane assist a woman off his bike. When she takes off her helmet, I'm surprised to see red hair spilling out and not Natasha's silky dark brown hair. Dane glances back at me. Please don't come over here. I plead quietly in my head. But as is he knows what I'm thinking, he smirks and starts to head in my direction.

"So this must be Jake," Dane states once he reaches us.

"Jonathan, actually," he replies and looks at me curiously before smiling politely back at Dane.

"This is Dane, my neighbor." I repeat dumbly and smile apologetically towards Jonathan. "He's not great with names apparently because I have mentioned you to him a couple of times now, AND he thought my name was Megan for a while after I had introduced myself as Mallory." I give Dane a pointed stare.

"Hey! My name's Megan! What a funny coincidence." Pipes in the red head who is now at Dane's side. She hugs onto his arm and stares up at him, batting her eyelashes. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, but I can't stop myself from saying,

"Oh, I'm surprised it's not Natasha."

Dane's eyes narrow at me, but they also dance with humor like he's laughing at me.

"Why Natasha?" Red looks between me and Dane confused. Dane's quick to answer.

"Mal here is a jokester. She's just trying to be funny." He wraps his arm around her waist, squeezing her close, which seems to make her happy enough to not question it any further.

"Well, I better get going . . ." Jonathan says softly, touching my arm and bringing my attention back to him.

"What? Mal didn't invite you in?" Dane quips, looking very smug.

Jonathan looks so uncomfortable that I physically want to harm my neighbor. I quickly interject,

"I actually was about to, but then you interrupted." I fake a sweet smile at Dane before turning a hopeful expression towards Jonathan. "Would you like to?"

"Ah, yeah. That would be nice," he answers, making my heart pound. This wasn't my original plan. I was thinking maybe on date number three or four, but stupid Dane forced my hand. I don't want to look pathetic, like I couldn't be edgy enough to have a man come inside for . . . well, I'm not even sure what at this point, but all I know is I did not like Dane laughing at me. Well, he's not smiling now, I think, triumphantly. He looks shocked.

"It was nice to meet you, Megan, but if you'll excuse us." I link hands with Jonathan and reach for my door knob with the other. "Oh, goodnight, Dane," I say almost as an afterthought before closing the door. He doesn't respond with words, but the look in his eyes speaks volumes.

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